7. To Be Or Not To Be?

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- You don't say!!! Says Dio angrily.

- Dio, if we want to have a chance at beating these two, we need to work together.

- If your stupid little mind could comprehend the fact that I would rather die a million deaths than fight right beside you then you could understand that we are dead men walking.

Jotaro then looked at Dio and said:

- If your stupid little mind can comprehend the fact that we desperately need to work together then we might stand a chance at beating these two.

Dio let out a big sight, clearly not wanting to cooperate with him, Jotaro then said:

- If you are not willing to work with me, then why in the hell ARE YOU HERE?

Dio then said while he looked at the drones:

- To watch you die.

Jotaro didn't expect anything else, but he couldn't help but ask:

- Then why did you save me back then?

- I... I don't know...

Jotaro was very confused by that statement, maybe Dio was even crazier than he thought, but that didn't matter now, the focus was on the two drones.

- Then take it as a dead man's wish Dio, TRY to work with me!

Dio thought about it, why was his thoughts so conflicted? It wasn't worth the earth being destroyed because Dio was completely clueless for what he wanted.

He crossed his arms and looked back at the two drones standing before them, he then looks at Jotaro's leg and says:

- And you expect me to work with you when you have clearly hurt your leg? You must have lost your mind.

Jotaro then stands up slowly, shocking the two drones as N says:

- I am not a doctor but he shouldn't be standing right now!

- These guys are really tough! Is that what humans are like? Asks Uzi.

Dio looks at Jotaro standing up to this feet for the next round, he didn't want to admit it, but he was impressed.

It reminded him of Jonathan, never giving up and always standing his ground.

Dio eventually got up to his feet while summoning the world, Jotaro then summoned Star Platinum.

Now it was the right time for teamwork, Dio said:

- I am taking the fucker with the wings, you go after the girl... Got it?


- And don't! Stand! In my way!

They both rushed the two drones catching them both off-guard.

Dio came full speed at N with an evil smile on his face, N commented:

- Oooh! This is going to hurt...! He said while bracing himself.

DIO then screamed:


DIO unleashed a huge barrage of punches at N, nearly destroying him, meanwhile Jotaro came at Uzi.

She tried to shoot him but this time Jotaro was ready and dodged the blast barely.

He eventually came in front of her and gave her an uppercut to the face, sending her flying into the air.

N saw her while he was flying back, he screamed:

- UZI! NO!

He tried to fly to her but Dio appeared in front of him while in the air, obviously he stopped time to get close to him.

Dio then said while laughing maniacally:

- You are fighting with me!!! He said as he punched him into the ground.

N got hit the ground way too hard as it crated a small crater, Dio landed beside the downed N.

Dio then laughed and kicked his unconscious body away.

Jotaro punched Uzi into a wall, nearly killing her.

Uzi opened her eyes as she was stuck in the wall, oil licking from her head.

She looked at the downed N and said:

- No... This isn't... How it was supposed... To happen...

Uzi then falls to the ground, she couldn't believe what was happening, maybe she underestimated humans, because if all humans are like this, they don't stand a chance.

Jotaro walked closely to her as DIO watched with crossed hands and an evil smile on his face.

Uzi could barely stand on her feet, she looked at Jotaro who got his stand ready to finish her off.

He raised his fist in the air, ready to punch a hole through her face and ending the robotic danger once and for all.

She braced herself for her inevitable death as she closed her eyes.

But just as Jotaro was ready to punch her, a metal pipe was thrown on his head, throwing him off balance.

Dio didn't expect something like that to happen, he looked at the direction the pipe came from, he saw a robot with... A mustache?

Right beside it, it had another 10 drones, with pipes and chairs on their hands.

The robot with the mustache then shout at them angrily:

- Keep your hands off my daughter you scumbags!!!

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