16. You Will Always Be My Brother (FINALE)

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1 hour later:

The team was still traveling in space, still on their way to earth and on the way to destroy the company.

Dio was sitting alone in an empty seat, almost asleep. After all the fighting and all the anger and frustration he endured, he was completely exhausted.

He crossed his arms and made himself comfortable in the seat with his seat belt wrapped around him so he won't fly around the ship while he is sleeping.

He finally closed his eyes, feeling relaxed after a while, he tried to sleep a little.

This time there wouldn't be any flashbacks or any chat with Jonathan, deep inside he knew that he won't see him again in his mind.

He would finally be all alone inside his head, that's what he wanted for a while, but after what Jonathan made hik realise, he wanted to talk to him again.

Well, he thought that was karma for him and based of what he has done in his life that is probably more than he deserved.

Just as when he was ready to finally sleep, he heard Uzi's voice coming from his right.

- Um Dio?

Dio got annoyed at such an interference in his attempt of sleep, he opened his eyes and looked Uzi, he then said calmly:

- What do you want?

- I just want to say... Thank you.

Now that was something Dio didn't expect to hear, he then asked her:

- You are thanking me? Did you forgot what happened for the last 2 and a half hours?

- I know... I still haven't forgiven you about my dad... But I wanted to thank you because you saved me like 2 times... Damn I am not good at this...!

Uzi got easily embarrassed, it was not her style to say "thank you" to someone. She was always all about being prideful to herself.

Dio smiled and said:

- You are welcome then.

Dio closed his eyes and before he attampted to sleep again, he told Uzi with closed eyes:

- You should go get some sleep, if you can sleep that is. You are going to need it. In some hours we will be having a whole raid in our hands.

Uzi didn't answer, she just got up from her seat and left the room, Dio could tell that she left just by hearing his surroundings.

Just when he was about to surrender himself into complete relaxation and sleep, he heard twitching coming from his right.

He opened his eyes and saw N looking at him curiously:

- What are you doing? Dio asked.

- I am analysing you...

- Why?

- If you are not human... Then what are you?

- Oh my god again with this question?! Screamed Dio angrily.

Hours later:

The team finally arrived at earth, the gate opened and Jotaro looked outside and said:

- We are at the exact same spot... Its like we never left.

Then Uzi and N walk to the opened gate and said:

A Murderous Adventure (JJBA X MD) [COMPLETED] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora