13. Who Are You?

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Uzi followed the footprints left by Jotaro on the snow, she kept wondering what he would do to her father.

She wonders if he can really fix him, but as she thinks of that, she sees the footprints leading to the building their fight took place.

While she approached the door, she could already smell the oil inside the building.

When she entered she was shocked by the amount of Drones that have died.

All these incocent drones where killed in battle, she then looks a little to her right and sees Jotaro grabbing materials and parts from the destroyed drones.

She then said:

- What are you doing?

Jotaro briefly looks at her, he then grabs another part and suddenly vanishes in front of her.

She then comments:

- Why do they always do that...?

She looks around her, complete silence until Jotaro comes back with Khan right beside him.

Uzi's eyes widen as she sees that her father is completely fine.

Khan waves at her and says:

- Hey Uzi!

She rans to him and hugs him tight, Khan smiles and hugs her back.

Uzi holds her tears and says to Jotaro:

- Thank you.

Jotaro, for the first time in a while, gives her a little smile as he answers:

- No problem. But, there is someone else here that wants to say hi.

Before Uzi could understand what Jotaro meant, out of nowhere, N grabs her and flies in the air with her.

- WOOOOAAAHH!!! Uzi screams in shock as she is flwon into the air.

- Hey Uzi! Missed me?

- N?!

Khan watches with a smile as N puts Uzi back to the ground, Khan then says:

- Maybe you murder drones aren't so bad after all!

- Hehe...! N Laughs.

Uzi looks at Jotaro again and says:

- How did you fix them? They look like they were never attacked!

- I used some parts from the already dead drones in here. It was much easier than I expected.

Uzi was ready to thank him again but her mind was thrown into what Dio did to all of these drones.

- That monster...!

Jotaro isn't surprised by the hatred Uzi has for Dio. Khan and N were angry with him too.

He then asks Uzi:

- Where is he now?

- I genuinely hope he is dead. He is fighting the one murder drone me and N captured, V.

Jotaro thinks that a murder drone should be no match for Dio, but then N says:

- I bet V went 100% on him, she doesn't care if she dies in the fight as long as her enemy is defeated.

Jotaro raises his eyebrow and asks N:

- What do you mean?

N clears his throat like he is about to make a presentation, he then says:

- Murder drones are made to have a limit in their power, the current limit they have is 50%. We are never allowed to surpass that limit under any reason! We were told by the company that they would update us when our systems could handle 100%. But as of now, we haven't received a single thing.

Jotaro then tips his hat and says:

- We must find him.

Uzi then screams at Jotaro:

- Why should we? That son of a gun nearly killed my father!

Khan then raises his hand and says:

- And he killed all of my coworkers!

Uzi then continues:

- He also nearly destroyed N! She says as she points at N.

Jotaro then sighs and says:

- I know it may seem pretty stupid to work with him after everything he has done, but believe me, he wants this fight with the company done and finished as much as we do. When all of this has ended, you will NEVER see him again.

Uzi was thinking long and hard, eventually she said:

- You know what? Fine. But if he tries something funny... Uzi spots her gun near her and she grabs it. I will be the one to kill him..!

Jotaro then answers her:

- Fair enough.

Khan and N started to walk with Jotaro and Uzi outside of the building as they asked each other multiple questions:

- So do you like doors? Asks Khan.

- Doors? Yeah! I love them!

- Alright...! On the count of 3...name your favourite kind of door...! Don't even think about it just name it. Okay?

N got ready as Khan started to count:

- 1...2...3!

N and Khan spoke at the same time:


Khan steps back shocked at the answer:

- WHAT?!

- Did we just become best friends?! Asks N with excitement.

- Yep!

- Want to do karate at your garage after this?!

- YEP! Khan answers while he holds his fist in the air.

A Murderous Adventure (JJBA X MD) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now