26~ Laser tag

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Will and I told everyone we were dating the next day. Of course Remi and Lena were super excited. Coop and Con were a little overprotective but trusted him. Dad was happy and overprotective and set ground rules, like any dad would. Carter was upset that his best friend was dating his sister but he got over it. Overall, I think everyone was happy for us.

"Do you wanna go to laser tag?" Will asked as he drove me through town. The windows were down and my hair was in a ponytail so it didn't get messy.

"I've been here for almost three months and I didn't know there was a laser tag here?" I asked in shock. I love laser tag.

He laughed. "Yeah it's at the arcade."

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" I jumped up and down as much as I could with my seat belt restraining me. I hit Will on the arm several times.

He pushed me off of him. "Hey, don't punch the driver. You could kill us"

"Take me to laser tag!" I demanded like a child who wanted ice cream.

He glanced at me with a smile and returned his gaze back to the road. "What's the magic word?" He asked in a fake condescending manner.

"Pwease" I batted my eyelashes at him with my puppy dog eyes.

"Actually, that's not it. It's more of a phrase"

"Cora is the best?" I guessed.

He shook his head. "Why would I make the magic word a lie?" He said.

I put my hand dramatically over my heart. "Hey! That's not nice" I protested.

I could see his small smile from his side profile. "If it makes you feel any better, you only missed one word" He took my hand off of my chest and interlocked our fingers. His thumb caressed the back of my hand.

I swear this boy will be the death of me.

"Sorry, I meant to say awesomest"

"I don't think awesomest is a word" He laughed and ended with a smile.

That stupid perfect smile, that I've grown to love.

"It is!" I argued. He shook his head and smiled over at me. "Hey eyes on the road mister" I chastised him and turned his head with my free hand. I promise this boy will be the death of me one way or another.

"You still haven't guessed the magic word" He taunted.

"Carter is the best?"

He shook his head.

"Connor?" He shook his head. "Cooper?" Another head shake. "Coach?" Again, a head shake. "Darren?" Nope. "Nick?" Nada.

I pretended to be deep in thought. I gasped as if I had an idea come to mind. "Is it...you?" I asked dramatically.

He rolled his eyes playfully, but a smile overtook his face. "Wow turns out you're not as dumb as you look" He joked.

I let go of his hand and smacked him in the chest. "Hey, that's offensive!" I crossed my arms and jutted out my bottom lip.

We came up on a red light and he turned to me. He reached over to grab my hands but I kept them firm, crossed over my chest.

"I'm sorry" This time it was his turn to give me the puppy dog eyes. "Snowflake?" He asked.

I turned my head in the other direction. I noticed the light changed colors. I pointed to the light wordlessly. I obviously wasn't mad at him. I just felt like messing with him a little. I hoped he knew I was joking.

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