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//chapter twenty-three//

A little bit of weight felt like it was lifted from my shoulders when I woke up the next morning

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A little bit of weight felt like it was lifted from my shoulders when I woke up the next morning. Last night me and my brother talked more about the pack and what he had been up to regarding him taking the delta role in the next upcoming months once he turned 18. it only lasted an hour before he left and went back home but it was refreshing rekindling the only relationship I had connecting with my family.

call me dumb

but I personally don't mind fixing things with him. In all honesty, back then I was upset and mad that he had switched up on me and decided to side with other kids in the pack, but part of me couldn't blame him I mean he was a kid for goodness sake. if I had a chance to fit in with my peers I would do whatever it took.

but then again I was a desperate bitch with no self-respect

after a nice shower, I settle for a cozy outfit. even though no one planned on taking me seriously I had no choice but to make some progress and get stuff done myself or else the kingdom would have my ass.

going with my sage green sports bra, matching legging and white air forces.

I pick up the backpack I had brought with all of my important document in it and head out the door. the hall clock read four

"The early bird gets the worm" was all I said before heading to the office the meeting was held in. the blood that was on the table was no longer there but a strong scent of lemon replaced the iron-like smell. I went to the head of the table and pulled out everything I needed

laptop check

kingdom files check

random file notification check

what huh?

I go through the folder to see more information on the pack and its members. to say this bitch was thick would be an understatement "where did you come from but then again I'm not complaining" I whispered still looking through the folder this was all the dirt I needed every last drop was in this folder.

so I didn't waste time and I quickly entered everything word for word into my data chart on my computer. an hour after that was done I added a side-by-side data chart of all of the information the kingdom held about the pack.

the additional hour I spent comparing everyone who is or was ever a part of the pack to check for any information missing. to my surprise, everything was the exact same, a few birthdays wrong here and there and some messed up wages but for the most part, everything looked to be normal and up to date

'wheres your name' my wolf asked I could tell she was scanning the screen just as I was

"I'm sure they threw it out thinking I was dead or something" I responded looking through all of the names for the fifth time

'but its weird every name that had passed on is even recorded at the end of the document if they thought you died that's where your information should have been placed yet it's not' she said slowly

she has a point going through it all again it's like I've never existed or had been a part of this pack.

'when you first joined the pack you and your mom got a welcome folder right'

I tilted my head a bit confused "no my mom only got one they said I would get one when I get my wolf"

she perked up 'well now you know that's not true there is a younger wolf on the document too young to even have a wolf joined two years ago and was initiated in with both parents. something just doesn't seem right I feel like you should make a note to get more information'

"noted" I whispered writing on a sticky note and slipping it into my royal folder.

I continue to email different packs about different alliances, most wrote back saying that the agreement was on the way others were most likely in different time zones and needed a couple of hours to respond back. the door to the meeting room opened and robin soon after popped his head in before fulling entering and closing the door.

"Should I be worried that you still own matching superman pajamas or that you decided to wear them around the packhouse" I chuckled taking a break from my laptop

"both" he shrugged before taking the open seat next to me "so any updates"

I shook my head no "everything seems to be normal mostly everything is reported to the kingdom though I am considered about the number of typos in their systems it doesn't prove that they are shady just dumb" he chuckled before going through the open file i created with the new information

we sat in comfortable silence for who knows how long just the sounds of my keyboard typing and pages flipping.

"hey, Aliyah?" I looked up at him "why aren't you listed anywhere on here"

"not sure my wolf pointed that out not too long ago I made a note to find out why no one initiated me into the pack"

he nodded and kept flipping the pages "if I didn't know better I would think they were trying to cover up something or in your case someone" I looked back up at him to see him still looking down.he's not wrong it was a bad look first they had given me such a hard time yesterday and now this. it was shady I'd have to admit but I'm sure I can find some leads as to what their motive was.

or if there even is or was one.

he puts the hand written folder back onto the desk and stands up to stretch "they are having breakfast at seven today so that the warriors could sleep in were you joining?"

"yeah most likely. I'm actually starving but I'm going to go put all of this stuff up first, ill meet you down there in ten" I responded with a smile he gives me one back and heads out of the room.

"here's to another day in hell, goddess help me now"

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