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basically ima talk some sorta shit abt each character but its a headcannon 😍


This crusty dusty musty lookin ass mf probably snores super loud. Hes so old, that with one thrust he'll turn to dust😞


Idk man he just hella bad with his money thats all i gotta say. Can't talk shit about my beloved husband.


He probably stinks🤢Also messy room. But he prob barely even showers. Like mf c'mon ruri-chan ain't gonna love you if you ain't showering.....🙍🏽


His room is like covered in books, but probably very dusty. He needs to organize his fuckin books. He probably has a few cats hidden in there, but hopefully he has a litter box hidden in there too....


Hes perfect idek bro


Messy room, maybe showers every week, probably has chorro from all that food he be Eating. I don't feel bad for be i feel bad for those goddamn toilets bro..💀💀💀


He probably has dandruff and super greasy hair. Istg this mf probably barely even cleans his bedsheets, blankets, and pillows ...


He probably makes dad jokes...


Hes scared of rats. Suddenly I love rats way more than i did before.


Shitty cooking, bad humor, dad jokes, harry potter kinnie😞😞👎🏽👎🏽


idk why but i feel like he'd have bad posture, im sorry Simeon my beloved.


Fucking. Ipad. Kid. Grab his ipad and it'll be so fucking nasty and dirty. 😟👎🏽

idek what the point of this chapter i just needed something to post bye

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