Chapter 4: Katniss

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"I don't know what I'm gonna do Prim. I still love him with all my heart. I see him every time I look at our son, and he doesn't even know about Joey. He probably doesn't care anymore," I tell my little sister as we sit in my kitchen. I called of work because I'm to emotional to be able to go today. Then I called my little sister. She came over right away and sits with me as I cry. She's the only one who knows Joey is Peeta's. I refused to tell anyone else. Mostly because it wasn't fair for the whole town to know who Joey's father is when Peeta doesn't even know. And they probably wouldn't believe me if I told them.

"Katniss, there's a reason he's coming back here tonight. You have to go and see him. He obviously came back for you," she says.

"But I left him Prim. I ran away from him. He probably thinks I'm some whore who wakes up not knowing where I am next to a guy I don't know the name of. He's probably gotten over me a long time ago," I say.

"He still loves you Katniss. All thoses songs after he left, the ones inspired by a broken heart, they're about you. He wants to see you. He probably misses you as much as you miss him. He's probably cried just as many if not more tears for you," she says.

"But what about Joey. He's to young to stay by himself tonight if I go to see him," I say.

"I'll watch him Katniss. I haven't done that in a little while and I'd love to spend sometime with my nephew," she says. I look over at the time and gasp.

"Oh no! I have to go get Joey from school," I say and stand up to grab my keys.

"Katniss, please go tonight. If not for you then for Joey and Peeta. They deserve to meet each other. Peeta deserves to know his son and Joey deserves to know who his father is," she pleads. I sigh.

"Okay, how about this. I'll tell Joey that if he wants me to, I have an opportunity to talk to his father. I'll leave it up to Joey," I say and she sighs.

"That's the best I'm gonna get out of you isn't it," she says. I nod and she points to the door."Well go pick him up. I want an answer."

"So do I," I say as I walk out of the house and drive to Joey's school. I park at the front and Joey jumps in at hugs me.

"Hey Momma," he says.

"Hey sweetie," I say back. We drive away and suddenly Joey asks me a question I knew would come.

"Momma, Have you been crying?" he asks.

"Why do you ask that?" I say.

"Because there's tear stains on your cheek," he says as we pull up to the house.

"I have to talk to you baby," I say to him as we walk in the door and he sits on the couch.

"About what?" he asks.

"About your Daddy," I say trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill over.

"I thought you said you'd tell me when I'm older. I understand. I still remember hearing you cry at night after I'd ask you about him. You don't have to tell me," he says but I shake my head.

"We have to talk about him Joey. I have an opportunity to see him tonight. I want to know if you want me to go see him or not," I ask.

"You might get to see Daddy?" he says, his eyes lighting up. I nod and he says,"Will he make you cry again? Will he make you sad?"

"I cry because I don't see him baby. I'm sad because I miss him," I say.

"Then I think you should go. You'll be happy if you get to see him again. You'll smile and be happy," he says.

"But what about you?" I ask him.

"I can stay with Aunt Primmy," he says.

"You really want me to go?" I ask him.

"I really want you to go Momma," he says. And I kiss his cheek.

"Okay then I better go start getting ready," I say and walk up the stairs. I take a shower and dress in skinny blue jeans, a soft orange tank top with a lacy white cami, and my cowboy boots. By the time I'm done putting on my make up, the suns starting to sink in the sky and I hear Joey yell up the stairs.

"Momma! Aunt Prim is here!" He says and I check myself in the mirror one last time before descending the stairs.

When I get to the bottom, Joey stands at the bottom and he gasps up at me.

"Momma, You look beautiful. Daddy's gonna love you even more than he already does," he says and I can't help but laugh.

"Thanks baby," I say and he holds something out to me. "What's this?"

"It's your Mockingjay pin. You said Daddy called you his Mockingjay so I thought you might want to wear it," he says and I take it and pin it to my shirt.

"Thank you. I'll miss you tonight," I say.

"I'll miss you too. But you better go so you're not late," He says and I hug him.

"Bye, chipmunk," I whisper using the name I used to call him as a baby.

"Bye Momma," he says at I wave to Prim and walk out the door. I look up at the sky full of stars and smile. I drive to the fairgrounds and see that a fair amount of people are here but nothing compared to ten years ago. I walk to the gate and pay. I make my way to the front row and wait in anticipation.

Then I here the music start. I watch as my blonde haired blue eyes sweetheart walks out on to stage. He sings energetically and he walks around the stage as though its where he belongs. Then he stops in front of me. I look up at his face and see his eyes shine brighter then the stars above as he smiles at me with the same love I've had for him all these years.

And I can't help but return that smile.

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