Chapter 18: Katniss

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We get to take Taylor home today. Not that we'll be there much longer. Since we live in a duplex, Annie and Finnick, a couple of my high school friends who live in the other half, are going to look after our home for us. Before Taylor had been born, I had been pack up some random things so they aren't in the way when we are gathering things for Peeta's tour.

"You ready to go?" Peeta asks as we walk out of my hospital room to go collect Taylor.

"Very much. It'll be nice to sleep in a bed that's not a hospital bed. They aren't comfortable at all," I say as we get to the nursery. Madge sees us and smiles. She picks Taylor up and walks out to us.

"Taylor gets to go home today! You guys exited?" she asks as she gently hands Taylor to me.

"Absolutely. There's so much to do over the next couple months before we leave," I say as all three of us start walking to the front desk to sign out.

"Well I wish you both the best of luck. Make sure you visit from time to time," she says as we finish and walk out.

"Of course we will," Peeta says, "Wherever we go, this is still our home." We wave goodbye and Peeta leads me to his truck. We open up the backseat and Peeta helps me situate Taylor into her carseat.

"I'm gonna sit back here with her to make sure she's okay for the ride. Okay?" I ask Peeta. He nods and helps be climb up next to our daughter. As Peeta drives us home, I watch Taylor sleep and gently kiss her cheek. She wakes up and blinks open her big blue eyes. She looks at me in confusion as if to ask why I woke her up. I just laugh at her as she eventually yawns and her eyes flutter close again.

When we get home, Joey's waiting outside for us. He runs up to the truck as Peeta shuts it off. I get out and Joey runs into my arms.

"I missed you Momma," he says.

"I missed you too sweetie," I say back I look behind me to see Peeta struggling to get the baby carrier out of the truck,"Lets go see if we can give your father a hand. Hey Peeta! You having a little trouble?"

"It won't come out and I don't want to hurt her," he says sounding frustrated. I walk over laughing.

"Stand aside darling, let the expert have a go," I say walking past him and gently unlocking the baby carrier from the car. I carefully pull Taylor out of the truck and hand the carrier to Peeta."See, just need a woman's touch,"I say grabbing my bag and heading towards the house. Peeta and Joey follow close behind and I open the door to a smiling Prim.

"Welcome home!" She says hugging."I tell ya, I love that little bugger of yours but he wears me out. I don't plan on having one of those anytime soon."

"You say that now but once you hold your first baby in your arms, you'll think back to why you ever thought it was a bad idea," I say as Peeta and Joey walk in with Taylor.

"Hey Peeta! Glad to be home?" she asks.

"Yeah, Thankful to finally have a chance to get a goodnight sleep next to my little Mockingjay here," he says wrapping an arm around me.

"Yeah good luck with that," I say pushing his arm off me and heading towards the kitchen.

"What'd you mean by that?" he asks.

"Ask me again when she wakes us up at three a.m. because she needs me to feed her," I say munching on an apple.

"Oh yeah," he says.

"Yeah," I say.

"Well I'll let you two settle back in. I'll pick Joey up at seven tomorrow so you guys can get some rest," Prim says waving and walking out the door. Peeta sets Taylor's carrier on the floor and Joey sits in front of her and stares at her. He watches her intently and she returns the looks. She's pretty smart for a three day old.

All of a sudden, Peeta's phone rings and he answers it.

"Hello? Oh hi Effie. Yes Katniss had the baby. A little girl. Taylor. Yes we're home. I'm not sure if that's a good idea. But we just got home Effie!" he says getting frustrated towards the end and I can hear Effie scolding him loudly on the other end."Okay, Okay fine. Do whatever Effie. We'll be here." He says and then looks at me with fatigue in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Looks like our day of relaxation with our little bundle of joy isn't gonna go as planned tomorrow," he says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Effie's coming tomorrow to discuss the tour."

That Ol' WindOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora