Chapter 10: Katniss

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One Year Later

"Joey!" I hear Peeta call for our son. "Hurry up. We got to get you to school."

"I'm coming Dad!" Joey calls back and then I hear our ten year old run down the steps. Peeta's been the most amazing father. He takes Joey to school, coaches his baseball team, he even goes to conferences with me.

I hate how people judge him. People who don't know the whole story. They think that he knew about Joey all those years and he abandoned us. Its not fair.

We got married about two moths ago and went to Oklahoma for a week to visit his family. They liked me but his mother was uneasy with me to say the least. She didn't like the fact that Peeta had married a women with a child. She's doubted that Joey's Peeta's. But she can just take that idea and shove it.

He's been working so hard. He doesn't have a job right now but he's taking classes online to get a GED seeing as he didn't get a high school education in the road. He wants to be a music teacher. At least that's what he says. But I can see the truth in his eyes.

He wants to be on stage again. To be in the spotlight. I can see it whenever we hear one his old songs on the radio. He's gotten offers before but he always turns them down. He says he needs to be here with me but I hate the thought of holding him back.

Joey walks in the kitchen and sees me sitting at the counter with my head in my hands.

"Hey Mom. Are you feeling any better? You've been sick a lot lately," he asks and I shake my head.

"Your dad's gonna take me to the doctor today to see if they can figure out what's wrong," I say and he wraps his arms around me.

"I don't want you to be sick Momma. I really hope the doctor can help you," He says and I hug him back.

"I'm sure it's nothing serious," I say to him because Peeta and I both suspect what's wrong with me but we don't want to jump to conclusions.

"Yeah, I'm sure she just has a stomach bug Joey, Momma's gonna be fine," Peeta says looking over at me and smiling. I smile back and he walks over and kisses my temple.

"I'll be right back and we will get you to that appointment," he whispers and a nod and play with my wedding ring nervously. I hear them leave and I go and flip through the TV until I get to a stupid tabloid show featuring Peeta. They start talking about how he just fell off the face of the Earth and how they wonder where he is and how he is. Now the whole world knows what I went through for ten years.

I turn off the TV and lay down on the couch and eventually find myself falling asleep. About fifteen minutes pass when I feel Peeta gently shaking me awake.

"Hey Wildflower, we've got to get you to that appointment. You can sleep in the car if you want," he says and I groan. He laughs and picks me up, carrying me out to the car. I buckle myself in and allow Peeta to drive us to the doctor's when we get there he helps me out of the car and takes my hand as we walk in. He signs me in and I sit nervously and play with my ring again. He sits beside me and gently takes my hand.

"It's gonna be fine Katniss, you know I'm here," he says and I nod my head but that doesn't settle my stomach at all. We sit and wait for I don't know how long when I hear my name called. A nurse leads us to a room and asks me to hold out my arm. She takes a blood sample and I feel scared all over again.

"Okay you two, it'll take about ten minutes to analyze this and then the doctor will be in with your results," she says cheerfully. She leaves and Peeta looks at me. You can tell he's starting to get nervous too.

"What?" I ask him.

"Your sure?" he asks.

"It's the same as last time. The blood test will confirm it, but I'm pretty sure Peeta," I say and he nods and starts tapping his foot nervously on the floor. I start laughing at him.

"What?" he asks.

"You used to preform in front of crowds of thousands and you're nervous about this?" I say still laughing. He shoots me a glare but I know he's not really angry.

A few minutes later I hear a knock and my doctor pops her head in.

"Hi Katniss! How are you today?" she asks.

"I'm fine Madge. Do you have my results?" I ask her.

"I do and I'm extremely happy to announce that your gonna be a Mommy again Katniss! You two are gonna have a baby!" she says excitedly."I'll go get stuff ready at the front desk for you. You know vitamins, ultrasound dates, stuff like that. I want to see you guys next week and we'll see what this little bugger looks like and how far along you are." And with that she steps out and leaves Peeta and me alone.

"O my god," he finally says. He stands up and just stares at me.

"What?" I ask, " I already told you I was pretty sure. Do you not want this or something?"

"No no no no! I want this. I've wanted this for so long. It just doesn't seem real. You're going to have a baby. Our baby. I can actually be here for you this time. Through all of it. You don't have to do it alone," he says and I see tears in his eyes. I get up and wrap my arms around his neck.

"You finally get what I always felt I'd taken away from you. You get to be there when this baby's born. You get to be the first one to hold them. You get to see their first steps, hear their first words. You get to be their hero just like you've become Joey's," I cry and he wraps his arms around me but then pulls us apart and rests his hand on my still flat stomach.

"Our baby's really in there?" he asks. I look up at him and smile.

"Yes, our baby's really in there," I say and I feel him kiss my forehead.

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