Chapter 9: Peeta

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Joey insisted I tuck him in. He was absolutely fascinated with me. He showed me his room and I found several of my albums on his shelf.

"You like my music?" I ask him. He looks at me and nods eagerly.

"When ever I had a nightmare, Momma would play the slow songs to help me fall back asleep. She told me she used to do it since I was a baby," he says happily.

"She did?" I ask him. He nods but then sighs.

"Yeah but she don't really listen anymore. She said it brings back the sad memories. Then she cries," he says.

"Well that's not gonna happen anymore. Why don't we get you to bed so your mom doesn't have to worry about it?" I say and he nods and crawls into bed. I kiss his forehead and walk to the door and hear him call after me.

"I love you Daddy," he says

"I love you too Joey," I say back to him and shut the door softly behind me. I walk downstairs and find Katniss sitting on the couch flipping through channels on the TV. She sees me and her face brightens.

"Katniss, can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask her.

"Sure," she says turning off the TV. "What's on your mind?"

"Why didn't you just tell me Joey was mine?" I ask her and she looks down.

"I didn't want to drop that on you. I didn't want you to feel obligated to take care of us. I wanted you to be here because you wanted to be here with me, not because you felt you had to do the right thing and take care of your child. I also didn't know if you'd be mad at me," She says.

"Why would I be mad at you?" I ask her.

"When I didn't leave with you, I was unknowingly carrying your baby. By not going, I robbed you of his birth, his first steps, his first word. You didn't get to teach him to ride a bike or chase the monsters out from underneath his bed. I robbed you from being Joey's father, the father you deserved to be. The caring person I knew you would have loved to have been," she says and starts to cry. I wrap my arms around her and she clings to me and sobs.

"You didn't know Katniss. There was no way for you to tell me by the time you knew," I say trying to sooth her.

"Ever since he started school and started to make friends, he asked about you every day. What you looked like, who you were, where you were. But I could never bring myself to tell him. I told him that you had to leave and that I'd tell him more when he was older. But he just kept asking and asking. He only stopped when he was old enough to see what it was doing to me. I've heard him pray for you to come and make me stop crying. To make me happy. But I never thought his prayers would come true," she cries as I gently stroke her back she eventually calms down and I gently kiss her cheek.

"Well they did. I'm hear to dry your tears and make you believe again. Just like before," I say and burry my face in her hair.

"It just doesn't seem really," she says.

"What doesn't seem real Katniss?" I ask.

"It just doesn't seem possible. You're the one I've held on to since that night at the fair. I never even looked at another man. I went on a blind date or two, but there was never a second date with the same guy. I've only ever wanted to be with you. I thought you had long forgotten about me though," she says and I feel a silent tear run down my cheek.

"I could never have forgotten you Wildflower. You were and are the only girl that's ever caught my eye. I've noticed about every girl Ive ever come across, but your the only one thats ever caught my eye. I've dreamed of you every night only to wake up and find it wasn't real, you weren't in my arms," I say and she holds me tighter, if that's even possible. "Why don't we get you to bed?" I suggest and she nods. I lift her up and carry her upstairs bridal style. When I get to her room, I lay her in bed and pull to comforter over her. Just as I'm about to walk to the guest room, I hear her behind me.

"Where are you going?" she asks.

"To the Guest room," I say.

"Please stay with me Peeta," she begs."I've been waiting ten years to sleep in your arms again and when I wake up I want you to be here to prove this is real. Stay with me?"

"Always. I'm never leaving you alone again," I say and crawl into her bed next to her and I feel her wrap her arms around me and lay her head on my chest. I hold her close and kiss her head. I lay my head back and sigh. My life finally feels perfect. I'm finally holding my girl in my arms.

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