Chapter 16: Katniss

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Peeta's face goes pale and you can see the fear in his eyes.

"Peeta, I'm gonna be fine," I say as calmly as I can but I can already feel my fear setting in,"I need you to calm down and take me to the hospital. Every things going to be just fine, okay?"

"Okay," he says but his voice is a little shaky.

"Come on let's go," I say taking his hand and pulling him out to the car. Peeta goes and pulls the car away from the house and towards the hospital. After about five minutes, I feel another contraction and I grip my stomach as I cry out. Peeta shoots me a worried glance.

"Oh Katniss, I'm so sorry. I wish I could get you there faster," he says. The pain passes and I pant slightly.

"I'm okay, I'll be okay," I say breathlessly. This repeats about four times before we finally reach the hospital."Now I don't want you to go in there screaming that I'm in labor. I need you to be calm or else I might start to panic too."

"I'll try," he says as he helps me out of the car. I walk in with him and when we get to the front desk it's me who speaks.

"Hey my water broke about forty five minutes ago and my contractions are about ten minutes apart. Could you get me a nice room before I give birth in the waiting room. Thanks," I say and the nurse looks up and nods, speeding away to get a wheelchair and a doctor.

"You handled that, creatively," Peeta says. The nurse and Madge run up and help me into a wheelchair. All four of us go down towards the delivery rooms. When we get to a vacant one, I step out of the wheel chair and the nurse that was with Madge hands me a hospital gown that I go into the bathroom and change into.

When I come out, Madge has me lie down on the bed. She goes "down there" and checks to see how far I am.

"Okay Katniss, you're about 3cm. You've got a while yet," she says getting up. "Your sister called while you were in the bathroom. She and Joey should be here pretty soon. I'm gonna leave you two alone for now. You can call me if you need anything."

"Thanks Madge," I say and she nods and leaves.

"How did Prim know we where at the hospital?" Peeta asks.

"I called her right before I told you. I knew there wouldn't be time to on the way," I say laying back.

"How long until your next one starts?" he asks referring to my contractions. I look at his watch because he has his hand on mine. When I see the time I laugh.

"About thirty seconds," I say. And then I feel the pain again.

About a half an hour and four contractions later, Prim shows up with Joey.

"Hey Momma!" he says running up to me.

"Hey Chipmunk!" I say kissing his forehead.

"Are you okay? Is the baby hurting you?" he asks.

"Just a little. I can take it. It's all worth it in the end," I say.

"Are you sure?" he asks worriedly.

"It was worth it with you sweetie, it'll be worth it with the new baby," I say.

"How much longer until the baby comes out?" he asks looking at my swollen stomach.

"A few hours yet," I say, "Prim is gonna take you home so you can eat and get some rest. Daddy will call her once the baby's here so you can come and meet her."

"But I want to stay here with you," he says.

"I know, but right now it just has to be me and your father here," I say kissing his cheek.

"Joey, why don't you go show your dad the the fish tank while I talk to your mom a bit," Prim says. Joey nods and takes Peeta's hand, dragging him out of the room. "So now that the men are out of the room, how are you?"

"Terrible, I forgot how bad this hurt. I'm trying not to show it for Peeta's sake, but its getting hard to handle," I say. She laughs."Oh yeah, you laugh now. Wait until your own little miracle wants to make her painful debut."

"Oh that's never gonna happen," she says.

"That's what I said when I was in high school but look at me now. Giving birth to my second child," I say. Peeta walks back in with Joey and he and Prim both say goodbye. After they leave I just stare at the ceiling.

"What are you thinking?" Peeta asks.

"That this is gonna be a long night," I groan as I feel another contraction.

Seven hours later I'm holding my little girl in my arms. Peeta was the first to hold her but he's dialing Prim's number to tell her about our little Taylor. When she pics up, he puts her on speaker phone.

"Peeta? I hope this call is for what I think it is!" she squeals.

"It is. Can I talk to Joey?" I ask as she squeals and I feel Taylor stir in my arms.

"Prim, She's kinda sleeping now, the squealing isn't keeping her that way," Peeta says and you can hear he talking to herself, trying to calm down as she hands the phone to Joey.

"Momma?" he asks.

"That's right baby. I was just wondering if you were gonna come to the Hospital to meet Taylor," I say.

"I have a little sister?" he asks, knowing the name I wanted if my baby was a girl.

"That's right baby," I say,"You have a sister."

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