Chapter 19: Peeta

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This is not going to end well. Katniss and Effie don't mix well. While Katniss doesn't care what she wears or what people think of her while Effie will want to control every thread of clothing Katniss will be wearing. Right down to the exact shade of finger nail polish. They are both going to drive the other nuts.

"Why does she have to come here now? I just got home from the hospital and she wants to barge in and run the place. I don't even get to just relax at home with you and Taylor!" Katniss complains as she stomps around the kitchen.

"I know your upset but there's no arguing with her. She's almost as stubborn as you," I say and she glares at me.

"Why exactly is she coming here again?" she asks.

"To plan out the tour," I say.

"Like where we are going?" she asks me and I nod.

"At what times, what we are wearing, who we talk to," I say and she frowns.

"You've got to be kidding me," she says plopping down on the sofa next to me.

"I'm sorry. I wish I didn't have to bring you two together, but she's the one who gave me a chance when I was a fifteen year old kid out on the streets playing my guitar for spare change after I ran away when no one in my family believed in me. I owe a lot to her," I say and she lays her head on my shoulder.

"I know, which is why I willing to sit here with a smile on my face and get criticized by that woman, even though I won't promise that I won't try to fight her on somethings," she says kissing my cheek.

"You wouldn't be my Wildflower if you didn't," I say and she smiles. Then the door bell rings and I hear Taylor start to cry in the other room.

"I'll get Taylor, you go deal with, her," Katniss says walking off to the other room where our daughter had been napping. I sigh and go to the door. I open it and find my manager dressed in a bright pink pantsuit and an emerald green wig.

"Hello Effie.Would you like to come in," I say standing aside and she walks in, clicking on her high heels. She looks around and huffs in disgust.

"How far the stars fall in two years," she says. She runs her finger across a coffee table and cringes at the light layer of dust that's settled in the few days that Katniss had been in the hospital with Taylor. "How can you live in a place like this. Where you don't have any luxuries and have to drive yourself to places. At the very least I thought you would've hired a maid since its very evident that Katniss can't take care of a household,"she says as Katniss walks back in carrying Taylor close to her. Even though its evident Katniss heard her, she stays true to her promise and keeps a smile on her face but I can see the annoyance in her eyes.

"Hello Effie, it's lovely to see you again," she says, "I'd shake your hand but I'm a little preoccupied," she smiles at Taylor who rests peacefully in her arms.

"Oh yes of course. I heard you had another little one. Well why don't we sit down and discuss you two going on tour," she says sitting down on a sofa and Katniss and I sit across from her.

"So what do you want to discuss?" I ask her.

"Well we need to discuss at the very least your first ten stops and who the children will be staying with while you two are ," she says and then Katniss interrupts her.

"Joey and Taylor are coming with us. We are not abandoning our children to be raised by a nanny," she says.

"But it might better if," she starts again but this time I interrupt.

"Don't fight us on this Effie. I missed out on the first nine years of Joey's life and want to be able to see him and Taylor grow up. I don't want to take Katniss away from our children, especially with Taylor being so young," I say and she shrugs.

"Fine have it your way. So the first ten sites are scheduled and you two will be meeting with your stylists in a week or two to get fitted for your various outfits," she says handing me a paper with a schedule on it.

"Why would we need stylists? Can't we just wear what we want? Can't we just be comfortable on stage, be who we are?" Katniss asks and I sigh. Here we go.

"Well you need to look acceptable on stage, something living in a place like this," Effie says gesturing around her,"You're hardly presentable for me and I'm just a visitor." Katniss purses her lips and gently hands Taylor to me before jumping up and getting in Effie's face.

"Listen here you clown!" she says,"I gave birth to an eight pound six ounce baby girl four days ago! I will where whatever I please when you decide your going to drop in practically unannounced at," she looks at her watch,"7:30 in the morning. I'm sorry if its low for you to talk with someone who dresses like a normal human being and hasn't had a chance to clean her house since she's been in the hospital after having given birth!" Katniss gently takes Taylor from me and stomps off towards the bedroom. I stare at Effie and shrug.

"You need to teach that one some manners," she says getting up and walking to the door.

"I can't change her. She is who she is. She can't be fed lines and controlled like a puppet," I say as she opens the door and steps out.

"Well do something to get her to see reason. I can't work with someone like that," she says stomping away to the car that's waiting outside to take her away. I sigh and close the door. I walk back to our bed room and see Katniss feeding Taylor. She sees me and pulls Taylor away from herself and pulls her shirt back down. She lays our baby down in her crib and then looks back at me.

"I don't know how I'm gonna be able to deal with that woman running our lives," she says leaning on the crib.

"We'll survive," I say going over and kissing her cheek.

"Yeah, but will she," Katniss says and I laugh.

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