Chapter 8: Katniss

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I feel the tears build up as I watch the bus pull away. Peeta choose the unthinkable. Most people would call him a fool for giving up what he did.

But I'm happy he did what he did. I feel his arm wrap around me as we watch that bus pull away.

"You're sure you won't miss it. The lights and the fans and the money," I ask him.

"You're the only one that's ever been worth missing Katniss. All those years on the road, you were the one thing I couldn't have. Which only made me want to hold you more," he says kissing my temple.

"Your manager is gonna hate me," I say and he laughs.

"I'm pretty sure Effie hates everyone. She didn't even want me to come here," he says.

"But you did anyway?" I ask him.

"Of course I did. It was my last chance to see you. And I'm extremely happy with my decision," he says.

We stand there for I don't know how long, just holding each other, trying to make up the ten years of lonely nights. But we're together now. And that's all that matters to us.

"Do you want to go get a bite to eat or..?" Peeta asks but I shake my head.

"I promised Joey I'd be home by now," I say and drag him towards my car.

"Are you sure it's a good idea I come with you? Isn't it a little soon for him to meet his mother's what ever you want to call us?" Peeta asks nervously.

"If you're going to be in our lives, it's better you meet Joey now instead of later. I don't like keeping secrets from him," I say and lead him to my old beater.

"This is yours?" he asks and I nod, "Don't worry. I'll get you something nicer soon."

"I won't let you do that," I say.

"Who said I was asking you. I'll drive," he says snatching my keys and running to the passenger side to open the door for me. I roll my eyes and get in. Peeta starts the engine and my heart starts beating loudly at the anticipation of what's going to happen. Peeta's about to meet his son and he doesn't even know it. I'm actually really nervous as to how he'll react to me not necessarily lying to him, but not telling the truth to him either.

"So, what's your son like? You know, so I can get a feel for what I'm walking into," he says.

"He's a typical kid. Doesn't listen to you one minute and crying cause he hurt himself the next. He doesn't like getting up in the morning and I guess you could say he's like me," I say.

"How so?" He asks.

"He always wants to make me happy, even if it means doing something he doesn't like. He'll ask to watch one of my favorite movies when he sees I'm sad even though I know he doesn't like it. He'll let me call him Chipmunk, even though he hates it, because he knows it makes me feel like he's still my baby, just little things like that," I say and Peeta watches me intently.

"What's he look like?" Peeta says.

"He looks like his father," I say smiling, but trying not to give anything away, "The only way you can tell he's mine is he has my eyes."

"I'm sure he's lovely," Peeta says finally after a long silence, obvious uncomfortable with the mention of Joey's father. Oh Peeta, If you only knew.

We are quiet for the rest of the ride except for me pointing out turns and when we park in front of the duplex. Peeta smiles.

"It's nice. Perfect little place for now," Perta says. I nod and take his hand as I lead him inside. Prim answers the door and she smiles when she sees Peeta.

"Oh Katniss, he's so much more handsome in person," she says and then turns to Peeta and offers her hand. "Primrose Everdeen, I'm Katniss' little sister."

"It's an honor Prim," he say taking her hand and kissing it like a true gentleman.

"Such a gentleman. Katniss, can we share him?" she asks and I give her a playful shove.

"Can we come in?" I ask and she laughs.

"What are you asking me for? Its your house!" she says standing aside so Peeta and I can walk in. I stand at the bottom of the steps and call up.

"Joey! I'm home! Come down here! I've got someone I want you to meet!" I say and I hear footsteps and hear him call back.

"I'm coming Momma!" I hear him yell back and I look at Peeta.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks looking extremely nervous.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life," I say and he looks back at the stairs. I watch as his face turns to pure shock as he sees his son for the first time. He looks at me and his eyes ask the question he can't find the words to ask out loud. I nod and he turns back to Joey who stands at the bottom of the steps.

"Are you my Daddy? Momma said she was gonna go see him last night. Is he you?" Joey asks Peeta. Peeta looks at me and I nod at him to answer. He squats down to Joey's level and looks him in the eye.

"Yeah Joey, I guess I am," he says. And Joey just stares at him as though he's studying him.

"Are you gonna stay with Momma to make her happy? I hear her cry sometimes and when I ask her why she says its cause she misses you," he says and Peeta looks back to me. He then turns back to Joey.

"I promise I'll take care of you and your mom now. I'm gonna make sure she's happy so she doesn't cry anymore. I'm sorry it took so long for me to come back to you guys," Peeta says and I'm surprised by what Joey does next. He wraps his arms around Peeta's neck and hugs him tight.

"I'm happy your home. Momma always homed you'd come home. I'm happy to finally meet you," Joey says and Peeta wraps his arms around his son and picks him up.

"I'm happy I'm home too buddy," he says.

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