Chapter 17: Peeta

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"Was I ever this small Momma?" Joey asks Katniss as he watches her hold Taylor in her arms. He got to the hospital about ten minutes ago and is absolutely amazed by his little sister. And I can't help but agree with him.

"You were actually a little bit smaller then her, since I was so young when you were born and you were a little early," she says.

"I'm happy she's here. I was waiting for her for so long. I didn't think I'd ever get to see her," he says.

"Did you think your mom was just gonna keep getting bigger and bigger?" I ask him laughing.

"Well no, but it just didn't seem like Taylor was gonna be born anytime soon," he says.

"Do you want to hold her Chipmunk?" Katniss finally asks. He nods eagerly and slides into the bed next to Katniss. She gently slips Taylor into his arms and helps him support her head.

"She looks like you Momma," he says.

"Maybe a little bit, but she has her daddy's eyes," Katniss says smiling.

"She's really cute," he says looking down at her.

"I can't believe I'm a Auntie again!" Prim squeals happily. She'd been so quiet I'd almost forgotten she was here.

"Well you are," I say and she laughs.

"Joey, would you mind if I got a look at this little sweet potato?" she asks reaching for Taylor.

"No Aunt Prim, you can hold her. If its okay with Dad and Momma," he says.

"Of course it's okay with us. Let Prim hold her Joey," Katniss says.

"Please be careful with her Prim. She's my little sister," he says as Prim gently lifts her from his arms.

"I'll be very careful Joey," she promises. She beams down at the tiny baby in her arms. She runs one of her fingers over Taylor's tiny fist and laughs when Taylor grips onto her finger.

"You two really did good with this one," she says smiling as she gently hands Taylor to me."Unfortunately, I think it's time to get Joey home because we both have school tomorrow."

"But I wanna stay Momma. Why can't I?" Joey asks. Katniss hugs him and squeezes him tight.

"I wish you could baby but they'll only let Daddy stay with me and Taylor tonight. We'll be home before you know it," Katniss says rubbing his back. He pulls away and goes up to me.

"You'll make sure that Momma and Taylor are okay tonight, won't you?" He asks me.

"Of course. I won't let them out of my sight," I say and he hugs me, being careful of Taylor. He walks over to Prim and waves as they walk out.

"Bye," he says. Katniss and I say bye back and they both leave. I look down at the baby in my arms and smile.

"How did we end up with something so beautiful," I whisper. Katniss leans over the side of her bed and rests her head on my shoulder.

"You stayed. You were willing to stay even if Joey wasn't your's and now we have a beautiful baby girl," she says kissing my cheek.

"And now we have two children Katniss. I'm so happy that I walked away when I did. I'd never get to see Joey grow up and Taylor wouldn't even exist. I'd never know the feeling of Joey's arms around my neck when he hugs me or the sound of Taylor's cries. I'm so proud of you for holding on so long Katniss. Anybody else would have given up on me," I say with tears in my eyes.

"I'd never give up on you Peeta. Somehow I'd known you'd come back here for me," she says and kisses me.

All of a sudden, Taylor starts wailing. I just stare at her, unsure of what to do. Katniss laughs and gently lifts her out of my arms.

"Calm down Peeta. Let the expert have a go," she said as she gently rocks Taylor in her arms."I need you to sing."

"Why?" I ask her.

"Because that worked with Joey, I think it'll work for her," she says.

"Okay, will you join in?" I ask. She nods and then gestures for me to start.

"In another's eyes
I'm someone who
Loves her enough to walk away from you
I'd never cheat, I'd never lie
In another's eyes"

And then I here her start.

"In another's eyes
I can do no wrong
He believes in me and his faith is strong
I'd never fall or even compromise
In another's eyes"

After that we sing together

"In another's eyes
I'm afraid that I can't see
This picture perfect portrait
That they paint of me
They don't realize
And I pray they never do
'Cause every time I look I'm seein' you
In another's eyes

In another's eyes
Starin' back at me
I see a sinking soul trying desperately
To turn the tide before it dies
In another's eyes

And what they don't see is killing me
And it's a blessing and a curse that love is blind

In another's eyes
I'm afraid that I can't see
This picture perfect portrait
That they paint of me
They don't realize
And I pray they never do
'Cause every time I look I'm seein' you
In another's eyes
In another's eyes
In another's eyes"

I look at Katniss arms and see Taylor sleeping peacefully in her arms.

"See, I told you all she needed was to here you sing and she'd be out like a light," Katniss says laughing and gently laying Taylor in the basin beside her hospital bed.

"I'm not sure if I should thank you for that or be insulted," I say.

"You should thank me. Your voice makes her feel safe so she sleeps," Katniss says.

"Well then I'm honored to protect the beautiful princess and the lovely queen," I say and she laughs.

"And in about eight weeks, all four of us will be on our way to Nashville to start the life you and me dreamed of as kids. I never thought we'd make it this far," she says sighing. I lean back in my chair and stare at Katniss and Taylor fondly.

"Me either baby. Me either," I say.

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