i like you too ash

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Word count: 1243

We're in fez's car, music on full blast and the windows almost all the way down. It's honestly a vibe.

You know, it's cute seeing Lexi happy. She's a very sweet and caring girl, she deserves someone who can treat her right. Well don't we all? Seriously at first glance I would have never expected fez and Lexi to be a thing. There just so different from each other but at the same time they suit eachother so much.

We arrive at fez's house. It's not too big or too small. It's the perfect size for just two people.

Fez stumbles over to the fridge 'anyone want a beer?'

'No thanks' ash replies sitting at the table.

'Lexi?' She nods her head then smiles at him.

They both make their way to the couch. Bearing in mind I'm still stood here clueless as fuck.

Fez and Lexi start cuddling each other, then fez goes in for a kiss. Lexi kisses back, next thing you know there on top of each other making out.

Me and ash look at eachother. The both of us burst out laughing.

'So you wanna like go to my room?'


'Fez me and caitlin are going in my room for a bit. You two do your thing.'

We enter ashes room. It's surprisingly clean for a teenage boy. He sits on his bed and picks up a controller. I sit there cluelessly once again.

Ash looks at me 'you can sit down you know, I'm not gunna bite you. Unless you wa- never mind' he pats at the side of him.

'So how old are you?'

'15 and you?'

'Yeah same, 16 in two weeks though.'

'Ahhh thats cool.'

'I guess' it goes silent for a minute.

'You know I was gunna play GTA, but I'd rather just talk to you.' I blush at the fact he said he'd rather talk to me.


'Because I wanna know you? Are you okay with that?'

'Yeah, I'm perfectly fine with it.' I say in a sarcastic tone. He laughs then moves towards his headboard. I do the same.

'So what are you to Lexi?'

'Best friend.'

He nods 'why haven't I seen you around?'

'I'm not from around here. I'm staying with Lexi for a while.'

'Oh, do you mind if I ask why?'

Okay so I know I said I'm staying with her because of Christmas break but the real reason is my mum kicked me out. We have arguments all the time and she kicks me out a lot but it's never been as bad as now. Actually that's a lie. I did go into care once when I was 10 for a few weeks but then she took me back.

Lexi knows a lot about my life that not many people do. I told her what happened and her being the most kindest person there is let me live with her.

'Just problems at home that's all. My mom kicked me out. I don't know when I'm going back, she hasn't spoken to me since Sunday.'

'Shit. I'm so sorry about that honestly, but just know your always welcome here. I don't care if I've just met you or not.'

'I appreciate that ash.' We both smile

'I should probably see if Lexis ready to go back home yet.' I lift myself up from the bed.

I feel ash's hand on top of mine. I look at the both of our hands then up at him.

'I think you should stay. Lexi and fez will probably be asleep right now anyways. Or might be doing other things other than sleeping... plus it is late and it's not like we don't know eachother.'

I giggle 'ash you could have just asked me to stay and I would have said yes!'

'So. You are?'

'No ash, I'm just saying it.'

'Alright, alright. I'm slow you gotta expect it.'

I playfully roll my eyes.

'I'm tired' I yawn

'Really? Already?'


'Okay you want something to sleep in?'

'If you don't mind.'

'I got you'

He walks over to his draws and takes out a black shirt and some back shorts. He walks towards me 'are these alright?'

'Yeah, thankyou'

He smiles then turns around. Why's he turned around? What.



'What did you turn around for?'

'For you to get dressed what else?'

'Oh, right yeah. Okay.'

I strip myself as quick as I could. I throw on the shorts and T-shirt then tap him on the shoulder.

'You done already?'



I make my way towards his bed then I get under the covers. I start to scroll through my phone to see if my mum has called or texted but no.

I feel ash's body press against mine a little when he gets into the bed. He's shirtless. Why am I surprised every boy is shirtless when they go to sleep.

Ash is so cute I can't lie but I don't wanna start catching feelings. Or for him to have feelings for me because obviously if your in a relationship nobody wants it to be long distance and that would be hard you know.


'Yeah?' She turns to his side to look at me.

'Why did you sound mad when rue asked if you have a girlfriend?'

Ash takes a deep breath

'Because I did have one and I really liked her. I almost thought I loved her. But we was on and off for a while and one of the times we got back together she cheated on me. I forgave her which I regret because she went and did it again. Last month is when I broke up with her for good. I'm not really the type of person to get hurt but I'll be honest that hurt me a lot. I don't know what I did wrong. I never hurt her, I never even said one horrible word. But I guess I was just not good enough.

'Listen ash, I can't say that I know what it's like but I do know that you deserve better than that. I haven't even known you a full day but I know that your the best thing in my life right now. And you honestly seem like the nicest person ever.' I sigh then look down, thinking of if the thing I just said was even helpful.

Ash carefully lifts my face up so I meet his eyes. He cups my cheeks and leans forward. His lips touch mine. Me being the most awkwardest person alive freezes. It's not like I don't want to kiss him because I do. I just, I don't know.

Ash pulls away and looks worried 'caitlin, I'm so sorry. I just- I really like you and when you said that it just made me happy. I totally get if you don't feel the same way because like you said we haven't even know eachother a full day.'

I know I said no to catching feelings and all that, well fuck that. This boy is the most sweetest boy I've ever met. If I fall, I fall right?

I shake my head then giggle. I put one of my hands to his face then lean forward. Our lips touch and this time I actually do kiss him.

I pull away 'I like you too ash.'

We both lay side by side and shortly fall asleep.

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