he's been acting weird

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Word count: 818
It's the best day and I'm over at lexis as I've felt like we've not really talked much lately as I've been hanging with ash and she's been with fezco.

We've just been talking about how life's been and filling each other in on all the things what we haven't talked about.

I told her about ash and how he's been acting. She told me to have a talk to him and ask him if he's keeping something and if he says no and I trust him. I should trust him. But if he says no and lies then I don't even know, I haven't thought that far ahead yet. But I wanna trust him I really do, it's just he's never acted this way before. It also didn't help the fact that he's been out this whole day and hasn't even called or texted.

Ash is always checking in on me. But maybe he thinks that now we're actually in a relationship he doesn't need to do that anymore. It just makes me feel like someone actually cares.
In the middle of me and Lexi talking about life, a dark brown, almost black haired girl comes stumbling through the door with black mascara dripping down her face.

'Who the fuck is that?' I ask Lexi, who's mouth dropped open.

'Soph' she quickly runs over to her. Me confused as fuck sits there looking at her as she whines about 'I fucking loved her' he sobs 'how could she do this to me. Ahugh. This is so finding unfair.' She cries into lexis arms as she brings her into the kitchen and sits her down.

'What happened?' Lexi asks, clearly concerned.

'Cassie. She- she. I love her.' She cries

'Alright but that the fuck happened soph tell me!' Lexis now getting irritated

'Me and Cassie have been arranging to meet at her house now for a while. Augh.' He lips quivers making me laugh. I try and stop myself by bite into my lip. The soph girl looks up at me and makes a face 'sorry' I say trying not to laugh even more.

Lexi looks at the both of us 'go on'

'And when I got there I opened the door to her fucking having a whole make out session with Nate fucking Jacob's. Why the fuck did no one tell me.' She whines

'Alright everyone knows that soph. Like everyone, why do you care so much?'

'Because I fucking love her Lexi, I've been waiting for her my whole life, for as long as I remember and I was going to go to her house ask her out and she would say yes and I would be happy but no.' She breathes

'Oh shit. I never knew. I'm so sorry soph.'

'Who would choose fucking Nate Jacob's over me? Who?'

'Obviously Cassie' I speak

'No one's asking you. Who even are you.'

I raise my hands in defence 'jeeez I know your upset but I did nothing wrong here.'

She rolls her eyes and sobbed some more 'I'm caitlin'

'Okay?' Alright then fucking hell.

'I'm going to get off now anyways Lexi, I'll talk to you tomorrow?'

Lexi nods

'Good luck' I laugh as I walk out of the door.

I'm finally back at the house and I just wanna see ash. I've honestly missed him.

I walk into the room to see fez on the couch. I smile 'you seen ash?' I ask

'No, I was just gunna ask you the same'

'Oh, I haven't spoken to him today.'

'That's wired.'

I nod then go to his bedroom.

As I'm tired I put on a hoodie and some sorts then sleep.

I wake up to loads of pings. I turn to see if it's my phone and it's not, it's ash's. I'm never really nosey but if someone's texting my boyfriend in the middle of the night a thousand times I'd wanna know who it is. I lean over to his side of the bed and grab his phone.

The contact said

A <3

I don't know anyone who starts with an a?

Ava, I didn't know what ash's ex looked like, however I did know her name. I mean who else could it be?

I look see one of the texts

'I had a good time today. I've really missed you ❤️'

Good time huh? She'll be having a good time when I fucking best the living life out of her.

I need to know what this bitch looks like.

I click onto the profile picture of her contact and when I tell you I almost scream.

It was the girl who came into the shop the other day and asked for ash. I should've known he's been acting weird ever since that day.

I'm gunna talk to him tomorrow about it but if he lies then I swear we are done.

Is this good enough soph?😆

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