💢 Chapter 12 💢

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Heeeey guys what's up this was suggested by tinylittleletterbox <3 sorry for taking so long, also I tweaked a few things I hope you don't mind :D

POV identity crisis

> Sundrop's POV

Me and Moon were cleaning the daycare a few hours before the kids would arrive, setting up building blocks and putting construction paper and glitter glue on the small tables. I hummed a little tune as I set out crayons and markers, then turned to pull some playground balls out of a storage closet.

I turned from the closet to see Moon standing directly behind me, and I jumped a bit. "Moon!" I yelped. "You scared me."

He smiled a bit at that, but it was there and gone quickly, like he'd just realized there was no reason to be smiling.

My own smile turned into a frown. "Is something wrong, Moony?"

"I just-" Moon started. He sighed, "I don't want to do this."

"Oh, we can take a break if you want to-" I started, but stopped as Moon shook his head.

"I don't want to keep having to do this- clean up, play with some sticky kids for hours, and then clean up again. Over and over, everyday."

"Are you okay, Moon?" I asked him cautiously. "We're programmed to do these things, we're not supposed to complain about it. Should I take you to parts and services? Do you feel alright?" I brought a hand to cup his face but he pushed it away.

"Shut up about programming. I am my own person, not some computer coded AI! I'm as human as anyone else except for my appearance- you too! Why should we be the ones forced to clean and babysit?" He spat.

I flinched. I knew we were animatronics- so did Moon. We did seem human but... It was due to some computer genius, making hyper-realistic AI. But wait, if I was just an AI, how was I thinking? How did I feel emotions and physical pain and... I frowned.

"We should get you to parts and services," I said, grabbing for Moon's wrist.

He pulled away. "You know it's true, Sun. We shouldn't have to do this stuff. God, if we were human we'd get paid for doing this. Instead it's just free labor at our expense. We can't leave this daycare, we don't have any choice as to what we do because it's all clean up, clean up. You can take me to parts and services, Sun. But it'll be over my dead fucking body."

I flinched at his words. When did Moon get so... Scary? "Moon-" I started, but stopped as he gave me a withering glare and walked away. I watched him push open the large wooden gates to the daycare, leaving.

I felt myself shake, then crumple to the ground. My body shook with... Sobs. I felt tears fall down my face. Since when could robots cry? This was all so confusing. I hoped Moon would be okay.


A few hours later, the lights were fully bright and I pulled open the daycare gate with a fake cheery smile. I welcomed each little guest, inviting them in to play.

Moon hadn't come back yet. I hope he's okay. I shouldn't have been so pushy about him needing to be fixed, no matter how true it was.

I plastered on another smile, turning to play with the kids. We ran in circles, playing tag or hide and seek, taking breaks to draw or eat snacks. Moon was right, we didn't have a choice, but I liked my job. I'm not going to complain because I really like being with the kids. I'd rather have Moon beside me, though, rather than a group of toddlers.

It was past naptime, but I couldn't do anything without Moon there to make sure the kids stayed asleep by singing them a lullaby or making up a story to satasfy their imagination. I sighed and decided reluctantly to skip naptime. The kids could sleep when they got home.

🌚🌞 Sundrop x Moondrop &gt; (smut, fluff, angst) 🌞🌚Where stories live. Discover now