~Chapter 17 🐺~

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Third POV

The next morning, they both wake up in their own room and they felt like something was missing, which Zayn didn't know what it was, but Harry did.

They took a quick shower, and they couldn't stop thinking about each other.

They changed and went to their respective families, they had breakfast.

Zayn then walked to his car and got in, he put on some music and seconds later he drove to school.

Harry in the other was now in Shawn's car, who had agreed to pick him up, they were arriving at school.

Niall, Shawn and Harry walk to their lockers and they say that Liam and Louis were making out with each other.

"Hello," Niall said, interrupting the lovers.

The couple then stopped kissing and smiled at their friends.

"Hi," Louis said smiling.

"How are you Hazza?" Liam asked with a small smile.

"I'm fine," Harry said, also smiling.

Seconds later the bell rings and it was time for them to go to class, and they all walked Harry to his class first, Shawn told Harry will leave Niall to his class then he will come back to class.

Harry took his spot and seconds later Brandon came and got in front of him.

"Hello beautiful," he said with a big smile on his face.

"Don't call me that, and what do you want? Harry said without looking at him, he was still looking down at his phone.

"Someone is in a bad mood, what happened babe?" Brandon asked.

"Leave him alone Brandon," I heard Shawn say.

He then took a seat next to Harry and Brandon rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"I will talk to you later babe," Brandon said with a smile and then he walked to his spot.

"Did you see him?" Harry asked Shawn.

"Yes, he was walking to his class," Shawn said, turning to look at his friend.

"Was he with her?" He asked again but this time turning to look at him.

**No I wasn't** Zayn responded to Harry's question.

Harry gasped at Zayn's voice in his head.

"Is everything alright Hazza?" Shawn asked, confused.

"Yes," Harry said and simply turned to look to the front of the class since the teacher was about to start the lesson.

**How did you learn we could talk through the mindlink?" Harry asked Zayn.

**When I heard your voice yesterday, then yesterday when I read your mind** Zayn responded.

That made Harry blush, because he remembered what he was thinking and doing yesterday.

**Yes, I did found out about you touching yourself while thinking about me, but don't worry beautiful, I jerk off also thinking about you** Zayn said again.

**Wait, you remember everything?** Harry asked, hoping Zayn would say yes.

**Unfortunately I don't, but I know you are someone important to me, but no one wants to tell me anything, would you tell me the truth?** Zayn asked, he wanted to get his memory back, even though it was just for a day, he could feel he was going crazy without an answer.

**The nurse said that we need to wait for you to remember by yourself** Harry said feeling sad, which Zayn noticed.

**Could we at least talk today?** He asked, wanting the answer to be yes.

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