29 - upstate

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peter's p.o.v

*at school*

"It looked so insane. That whole —" Ned ranted.

"Like, it was just crazy. He — He was just. Like...." He makes a weird sound effect. "And you were like...." He fake screams, trying to reenact last night. I try shushing him because he was talking a bit too loud.

"And I just hit with the...." He mimicked my web shooters "it was so — oh. My. God"

"I mean, you saved me" I finally spoke "it was awesome"

Ned put his hand on my shoulder and I look up stopping.

Liz was hugging Betty.

I should probably apologize to her about everything.

I excuse myself from Ned.

"Hey, Liz!" I started jogging towards her.

She tried walking away "Liz" she looked at me for a second and stopped walking.

"Liz look I'm so sorry."

"You say that a lot. What are you sorry for this time?" If she only knew

I just look at her apologetically

"The dance? That was a pretty crappy thing to do." It was

"Well, yeah, but I —" I stuttered "your dad— I can't imagine what you're going through."

"If there's anything I could do to help...."

"I guess we're moving to Oregon. Mom says it's nice there, so that's cool." She sniffles "anyways, Dad doesn't want us here during the trial so...."

I went quite.

"Liz I— I—"

"There's actually one more thing...." She says.

I look back at her.

"Tell y/n how you feel."

My eyes widened.

"I- uhm"

"She really likes you, I can see that...and I know you really like her. You guys belong together. She's a sweet girl so please treat her right Peter. Not how you treated me. Don't ever ditch her or break her heart because she's fragile, Peter." She breaths "just like you are" I stood there in shock

"Bye Peter." She takes a step "whatever is going on with you. I hope you figure it out." And like that she walked off

I am still standing in there like a complete idiot.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Congratulations, decathlon national champions." Everyone applauded.

"I'll have to put this back in the trophy case soon, but just for motion right now at this practice." Mr. Harrington explained

"I'm ahead of the game, but we will need a new team captain next year." He was leading somewhere "so I am appointing Michelle."

Everyone Turned to her and started clapping.

"Thank you, My — My friends call me MJ." She announced.

"I thought you didn't have any friends." Ned responded. "I didn't."

My phone buzzes. I got a message and it was from a unknown number saying to go to the bathroom.

"I gotta go." I tried excusing myself from the table. "Hey, where you going?" MJ quickly asked

I pointed behind me and she crossed her arms. "What are you hiding Peter?"

Oh shit.

"I'm just kidding. I don't care. Bye" she waved

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