Chapter 1

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"All you have to do is make them fall for you then leave them it's not that hard Y/N" Ariana said to me.

"Why do you wanna hurt them so much?" I asked her

"It doesn't matter why just do it!" She raised her voice.

"Okay okay calm down jeez" I raise my arms in defeat.

"Thank you" let me tell you about Ariana Grande yes you might know her as the cute innocent petite woman and she is to a certain extent but get on her bad side and she'll make your life living hell. She manipulates people and boy is she good at it. Right now she somehow convinced me to make Lauren Jauregui and Camila Cabello to fall for me then break their hearts. I don't know who they are or what they look like but Ariana told me there's 5 of them in a group called fifth harmony. I mean I've done this before plenty of times people pay me to break other people's hearts. Why? It's usually because the person who pays me have had their heart broken and want to see the other person feel their pain. It doesn't take long for people to fall for me they see me as a sweet shy girl and they like that. But this time I had a bad feeling. I tried to tell Ariana no but $60,000 for making them both fall for me was an offer to good to resist.

Let me introduce myself I'm Y/N I'm 18 originally from England so I have a killer accent that people can't resist but I moved to LA with my dad when I was 9. My dad works for Syco Music so I get to meet all the artists. Ariana was working on a song with little mix so that's how we met.

"Are you even listening to me?" Ariana pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Um no.." I told her.

"God what do people see in you" ouch okay that hurt.

"Anyway they're gonna be at the hotel in like 10 minutes so go down there and bump into them fall in love and break their hearts" she said as if it were that easy. I rolled my eyes and made my way down to the lobby. There was a lot commotion going on so I guessed they were here. I went over to the front desk and started asking the receptionist random questions about the hotel and the room we were staying in. There was a mirror behind her so I knew when one of them was close. I waited till the green eyed one was behind me and cut off the receptionist.

"Thank you for your help have a nice day" I said turning around bumping into the girl causing her to fall over.

"Oh my god I am deeply sorry I'm so clumsy it's unreal" I laughed reaching out helping her up. She was gorgeous I wonder wh..

"Lauren" she said taking my hand. I looked at her confused she laughed

"My name is lauren" oh fuck. So this is the girls heart I have to break.

"Nice to meet you I'm Y/N" I stared at her for a while it's the eyes they're hypnotising me. I can't tear my eyes away from those beautiful green ey..

"Hello you there" she asked waving her hand in my face. Shy Y/N nows your time to shine.

"Yeah um sorry you ur have beautiful um eyes" I stuttered. I tried to convinced myself that was all part of the act but I wasn't so sure.

"Thank you" she smiled shyly.

"Hi" a girl popped up from behind Lauren. She had chocolate brown eyes, she had a gorgeous smile.

"I'm Camila" fucking hell. How am I suppose to hurt these they're beautiful. Lauren laughed when I didn't respond.

"This is Y/N she's shy" Lauren winked at me I felt my cheeks heat up which was weird.

"What's taking yall so long.. Oh hey I'm Ally" the small girl said. I don't know why but I laughed she was cute because she was small.

"Y/N" I replied. If I have to say my name one more time today I swe..

"I'm Dinah and this is Normani" Beyoncé is that you? Rihanna? What's going on. Am I dreaming or.

"What is with you?" Lauren asked I looked at her confused.

"You keep zoning out" well I'm surrounded by 5 beautiful girls what do you expect.

"Smooth" Dinah said. Did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did" Normani laughed.

"Sorry" I blushed what's going on today?

"Camila, Lauren oh my god what a pleasant surprise" I turned around and saw Ariana running down and pulling the girls into a hug.

"I see you've met Y/N"

"Yeah she's cute" Lauren said, I saw Arianas smirk she knew this was gonna be easy but I wasn't so sure. I mean they're beautiful I can't hurt them. I looked at Dinah and she was glaring at me I shrugged it off and decided to go and get a drink.

"I'm gonna got to Starbucks"

"I'll join you" I turned around to see Dinah making her way over to me. Brilliant. Just brilliant she knows something.

"Anyone else?" I asked hopeful but everyone was too busy in conversation. As we were making our way to Starbucks I felt Dinahs eyes burning through my skull but I avoided eye contact. None of us said anything the whole walk there. Once we arrived and ordered Dinah was still looking at me this time she looked as if she was trying to figure something out.

"What?" I said getting annoyed at her staring.

"I know you just don't know where from" she said leaning back in her chair.

"I highly doubt you know me" I said starting to get nervous. Does she know about what I do?

"Wait! I got it! I've seen you at the studio before with Philo?" I let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah that's my dad"

"No way?"


"How many daughters does he have" she said sitting back in her seat. Oh god.

"Um just me" I said nervously.

"Right because I heard that one of his daughters plays with people's hearts" she said leaving over the table. My heart was pumping I've never been in this position before.

"And if you hurt Lauren or Camila be prepared for a poly beatdown got it"

"Yes ma'am" I was beyond scared I mean look at her. She looks intimidating never mind the fact that she just threatened me?!

"Shall we go join the others" she smiled. I nodded trying to figure out what I was gonna do about the Lauren/ Camila situation.

(Hi! Um so this is the start of a new story. Hope you enjoy it. Comment and vote 😝 I didn't proof read so sorry for any mistakes if you see one let me know and I'll correct them)

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