Chapter 6

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Lauren and I were cuddled up in her bed. I was almost certain this is what I wanted, to be with Lauren. She hasn't lied to me, she's not cheating on anybody I hope and she makes me feel safe. Lauren feels like home. But I couldn't fully commit myself to Lauren if I still had feelings for Camila could I? Lauren was mindlessly playing with my fingers as we both stared off into space. I turned my head to find Lauren with the biggest smile on her face which I reciprocated when Lauren's eyes locked onto mine.

"Why are you so smiley Jauregui?" I asked her playfully as she leaned up to kiss me and pulled away slightly so our faces were inches apart.

"That. Was. Amazing" Lauren responded pecking my lips after each word. I smiled into the kiss and Lauren did the same. We were both in a daze it was just us no one could stop us except my phone which was annoyingly buzzing. We both groaned as I pulled away to see who was interrupting.

From sperm donor 😂: don't forget 8 o'clock.

I quickly checked the time and saw I had an hour and fifteen minutes to get ready.

"Hey Laur" I asked quietly.

"You have to go right" Lauren said sitting up and looking down.

"Kinda, my dads having this dinner thing tonight do you wanna come?" I said hopeful. Lauren's eyes lit up as she smiled at me.

"Is it like a date?" Lauren asked shyly.

"Yeah I mean only if you want it to be?" I replied. Lauren nodded and kissed me.

"I'd really like that"

"Okay I'm just gonna go shower and get changed and I'll be back" I told Lauren putting on my clothes and making my way to my hotel room. Please God don't let Ariana is doing the dirty not yet please I internally begged. Thankfully no one was in so I showered and got dressed. Once I was ready to leave something caught my eye. It was a little notebook that Ariana wrote everything in. I wanted to look to see what Camila and Lauren had done to make Ariana want to hurt them so much, but if she had personal stuff in there I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for looking. One peek wouldn't hurt would it? I opened the notebook to where she had last written

"It's nearly done, I can't wait to see her face, to see the pain in her face when all is revealed. We nearly fucked up though and I'm pretty sure they've both fallen for her. I just need to get her to break her heart"

I stopped reading I was genuinely confused. Too many hers were used. Why couldn't Ariana just write the names. I read through it again "I'm pretty sure they've both fallen for her" Camila and Lauren fallen for me? I guess. "I just need to break her heart" why didn't she say their hearts why just one. I went back a few pages and my heart stopped. It was a picture. A picture of Lauren and Camila kissing. Underneath it read "Camila loves Lauren" my head was hurting I took a picture on my phone of a few of the pages in Ariana's notebook and made my way down the hall. Should I just leave without Lauren? I mean I don't know if I can face her just yet. After seeing that picture why didn't she tell me she had/ has a thing with Camila. As I was about to turn the corner I heard people talking it sounded like Ariana and Lauren. I peeped around it and my suspicions were confirmed.

"You have to do it Lauren baby" Ariana said running her fingertips up and down Lauren's arm. Wait baby? What the fuck. Why is she being so affectionate?

"I can't okay and I'm going out tonight" Lauren said to Ariana.

"With her?" Ariana confirmed Lauren nodded. Ariana took a step towards Lauren and cupped both of her cheeks. Lauren relaxed and closed her eyes as Ariana leaned in and their lips attached. I felt my vision become blurry due to the tears as I looked at them both. Their lips were moving in sync I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around and made my way to the restaurant alone. Once I reached there I was ten minutes early I made sure my make up wasn't running and I hadn't looked like I was crying. I can't believe Lauren did that we had sex about half an hour prior to her moment with Ariana. Did I mean nothing to her? If Ariana wanted to hurt Lauren why couldn't she do it herself? Lauren and Ariana had clearly kissed plenty of times, neither of them was shocked. It was like it was natural. Like they had done it a thousand times.

Fools gold (Lauren/Camila/you) *on hold*Where stories live. Discover now