Chapter 8 (part 1)

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The girls left for their interview half an hour ago and I was contemplating whether I should go and speak to Ariana. I mean she wanted to hurt me because I broke her heart? I didn't break her heart not intentionally at least. But I didn't want to face her I wanted to move on now. I had a date with Lauren tonight and I didn't want Ariana to ruin it. I was hoping this would help me make up my mind about what I wanted. Whether I wanted Camila or Lauren but I had a feeling it wasn't going to be that easy. My train of thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door which was weird the girls were at the interview and I wasn't expecting anyone. I opened the door to a smiley Ariana.

"What do you want?" I bluntly said.

"Hello to you too" Ariana replied rolling her eyes. Typical.

"Cut the shit Ariana Lauren told me what you asked her and Camila to do. When did I break your heart?" I was getting frustrated and I'm sure it was evident.

Ariana sighed as if it was clear what I had done. "Y/N remember when you played with Naya's heart?" I nodded indicating for her to continue. "She was upset because you hurt her, so she went crying to Big Sean, they started seeing each other, he was seeing her behind my back" her voice started to crack. I genuinely felt bad. I didn't mean to cause harm and I realised what I was going wasn't fair on anyone. "You caused that" Ariana continued. "And to top it all off when I was seeing Lauren I thought I had found something special, but she likes you too much. You ruin everything" Ariana spat the venom of her words sought to sting me. It was like she was pouring salt in my wounds. I had caused her so much pain and hadn't even realised it.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered sincerely the tears threatened to fall out of my eyes. It's easy to hurt someone especially when they don't show their emotions but as soon as they do show their emotions you realise how much pain you've caused that individual. I wasn't proud of myself. I looked up at Ariana who stared blankly at me tears escaping her eyes. "I'm so sorry" I reiterated.

"Sorry doesn't change the fact you're an awful person Y/N" with that Ariana left the room. She was right I was an awful person. I had hurt so many people and I was going to hurt Camila or Lauren. I didn't want to but a three way relationship would never work. Jealously always creeps into those relationships. I didn't want to hurt anyone else anymore. I wanted to change. I wanted to be a new person. So I couldn't do this to lauren and Camila I wanted to change. I decided to go lay down to try get rid of the godawful headache I had.

Camila P.O.V
I had noticed how close Y/N and Lauren were getting recently and it made my blood boil with jealousy. I wasn't entirely sure who I was jealous of I mean I still love Lauren and that'll never change but my feelings for Y/N have been more than "friendly" I hated it I just wanted to go back to the time where it was just Lauren and I.

"Lo" I whispered trying to catch her attention. Lauren turned her head to the side and looked at me. "I love you" I told her sincerely and she just smiled at me before looking away. I realised I was losing everything that mattered the most to me.

"Chancho you okay dawg?" Dinah asked me as we were waiting to go into the interview. I smiled at her putting on the best fake smile I could. We were all getting bored of waiting and I excused myself to go to the restroom. As soon as I was in I made sure no one was in before breaking down. Everything was getting so much. The girl that I love was becoming a stranger and the girl I had some sort of feelings for was becoming her lover. I was lonely and needed love and affection again. I needed Lauren.

{A/N I haven't updated in like a week 😱 anyway here it is I know it's not a long chapter but this is just part one. I wanted to bring more camren drama into it so their feelings get more confused bc I'm evil. Alssooooooooo there's gonna be something big that happens within the next 5 chapters prepare yourselves.
I love reading through all your comments they make me laugh (most of you all wanna sex it up with Jauregui) 😂 so I have some questions;

Do you want me to do flashbacks of some camren moments?

Camila endgame or Lauren endgame
(I'd feel so weird if I had to write camren endgame but I'd give it a go if everyone wants camren)

Do you feel sorry for Ariana? Or do you still think she's a bitch?

Andddd random question;
Where's everyone from? I'm from England 😫

Don't forget to comment and vote, stay sexy you beautiful human beings ily💕}

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