Chapter 4

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Your P.O.V
I made my way down the hall and stood outside Dinah's room where Camila was apparently crying, I contemplated whether I should go back and let Normani deal with the younger girl but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was worried about Camila too much. I found myself carefully knocking on the door trying not to startle either one of the two girls. Normani opened the door and gave me a sad smile before gesturing for me to come in. I made my way through the hotel room hoping to see Camila but I found myself perplexed when I couldn't see her anywhere in the hotel room.

"She's in the bathroom and won't come out" Normani told me obviously noticing my confusion. I nodded and proceeded towards the bathroom, I tried the door handle, pretty stupid of myself as I'm sure Normani would have gone in if it were unlocked.

"Cam its me Y/N can you open the door" I asked her carefully trying not to scared her. On the other side of the door I could hear shuffling and the lock clicking before seeing a heart wrenching sight. Camila had red cheeks, her eyes were red and puffy from crying not to mention the make up running down her face. I instantly felt guilty. If I hadn't had gone to see Lauren we'd still be having a good time and Camila probably wouldn't be crying. Camila opened the door fully before throwing herself in my arms and breaking down. It hurt to see her like this. I wanted to make the person who made her cry feel pain.

"Mila what happened?" I asked her but she didn't respond she kept sobbing in my arms. Normani appeared from around the corner and gave me an apologetic smile, maybe she felt bad that I had to see Camila like this or maybe she felt bad that I was trying to calm her down. I smiled back letting her know that it was alright.

"I'm gonna go see the others" Normani told us quietly before exiting the room. I guided Camila to the sofa and let her cry in my arms. Holding her tight to let her know I was there for her. Playing with her hair in an attempt to calm the younger girl down. I hated seeing her like this, she looked so vulnerable, so fragile, I wanted to keep her safe, just like I wanted to keep Lauren safe. I found myself wanting to ask Camila about what Lauren had told me, that Camila was dating someone but I couldn't not yet. I started to hear small snores come from the smaller girl she was most likely exhausted from all that crying. It hurt me to see her like this. An hour had passed before Dinah came into the room asking if I had seen Lauren as none of the girls could find her and she wasn't answering her phone. Inside I was panicking but I tried to reassure Dinah Lauren would be okay that she probably just went for a walk. I wanted to look for her. But I couldn't leave Camila. Not while she was like this.

"Y/N?" Camila croaked out.

"Yeah I'm here" I told her reassuringly.

"Don't leave me" she whispered. "Please"

"I'm not gonna leave you I'm here" we both stayed in silence for 20 minutes with Camila's head still on my chest.

"I'm sorry" she breathed out.

"For what? You've done nothing wrong" I told her confused as to why she was apologising.

"For breaking down like that"

"I don't mind. What happened? You was okay when we came back" I asked her.

"I just ran into Ariana" my heart was thumping. What if Ariana told her what she asked me to do. What if she Camila hates me.

"What did she do?" I said oblivious.

"Nothing important its fine"

"Mila it's clearly not fine if you were crying like that what did she do?" I asked her raising my voice slightly.

"It's a personal matter please just drop it" Camila said matching my tone and so I did. Although I was curious as to what this personal matter was she asked me to drop it. I was gonna ask Ariana just to see if she would tell me anything. Before I knew what was happening Camila's lips were on mine at first I was shocked but I finally relaxed into the kiss and moved mine against hers. I felt as though I had cheated on Lauren even though we weren't together. I reluctantly pushed her away and sighed.

Fools gold (Lauren/Camila/you) *on hold*Where stories live. Discover now