Chapter 7 (part 1)

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"I'm just gonna go get us breakfast" I whispered to a sleepy Camila.

"Okay grab me a banana" she replied groggily. I placed a kiss on Camila's forehead before making my way down to the kitchen to get us breakfast. On arrival the four other girls were there and Ariana was sitting next to Lauren I rolled my eyes and carried on walking.

"What would you like?" The chef asked.

"Can I get two of your specials delivered to room 127 and two bananas?" I replied.

"Sure" I turned around to see Lauren looking over at me she looked sad which was different Lauren was usually happy.

"Okay it'll be delivered in roughly 15 minutes" the chef told me I nodded said thanks and turned back to walk away.

"Y/N" Ally called out, so I walked towards them because I didn't want to seem rude. I smiled at all the girls but avoiding eye contact with Lauren and Ariana.

"What are you doing tonight?" Dinah asked me.

"Just hanging with Camila" I smiled at her, from the corner of my eye I could see Lauren tense and Ariana glared at me, I'm not sure why she should be loving this. Me spending time with Camila, making her fall in love with me a little bit more. But no Ariana looked pissed and I loved it.

"Just the two of you?" Lauren said her voice cracking a little.

"You've been ages" I heard Camila from behind me. I smiled at the sight she had my hoodie and sweatpants on, her hair was tied back and she didn't have any make up on. "What were you talking about" Camila asked us hugging me from behind resting her head on my shoulder.

"All of us hanging out tonight" Dinah said glaring at me.

"Oh wait didn't we have that thing" Camila said to me.

"Mhm I think we did" I agreed with her.

"Well looks like you'll have to cancel" Dinah said this time glaring at Camila.

"Yeah I think we can do that" Camila said holding onto me tighter, she looked scared.

"We best be going breakfast is gonna be delivered soon bye" I said before turning around walking away with Camila following me.

"What was that about?" She asked me.

"I don't know" that was a lie, I had an idea about what it was about. Dinah had told me not to hurt Lauren or Camila. Lauren's voice made it obvious she was hurt at the thought of Camila and I together. But it wasn't my fault she didn't tell me that she was dating Camila. She also didn't tell me she had a thing with Ariana. How could I have a relationship with someone I couldn't trust? You couldn't a successful relationship is based on trust, without it there's constantly doubting each other no body wants a relationship like that. I trusted Camila because she had told me about her and Lauren. Although not straight away when I confronted her she told me. When we made it back to the hotel room Camila and I got back in bed until there was a knock at the door which she answered.

"Our food is here!" Camila shouted causing me to giggle. She sounded like a little kid Camila was excited at our food arriving. "What are you laughing at?" She raised her eyebrow. I shook my head and patted the bed. Camila once again joined me and we ate our breakfast in comfortable silence. The next few hours we spent it lazing around. Watching Netflix and cuddling that was until Camila got a call from Dinah saying the girls were meeting up now so we had to get ready.

"I don't see why we have to join" I told Camila.

"I don't either but I really don't wanna get on Dinah's bad side she turn into the hulk" Camila said imitating the hulk. We joined up with the girls all minus Lauren.

"Where's Lo?" Camila asked.

"Damn it, Y/N will you go get Lauren" Dinah said smirking at me.

"Why can't one of you three go?" I said pointing between Ally, Normani and Dinah.

"Is there a problem?" She asked moving her head to the side slightly. I rolled my eyes and mumbled a fine before walking to Lauren's hotel room. I knocked a few times before Lauren came out smiling sadly at me.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asked oblivious.

"I don't know I mean maybe you didn't happen to tell me you were dating Camila or you had a thing with Ariana!" I told her bluntly, slightly shocked at my confidence.

"Thing with Ariana?" Lauren said confused.

"Yeah I saw you two kiss when I was gonna pick you up" I replied in a harsh tone.

"I.. I wanna explain everything to you.. Just not now.. Later tonight.. When we're alone.. Please?" Lauren said pausing every few seconds like she was nervous, afraid maybe. I sighed defeated.

"Okay, come on the others are waiting" and with that we both walked to the others to hang out. Before we got to the girls I noticed who was standing with them laughing with Camila, Dinah, Ally and Normani. "Who invited her" I said to Lauren glaring at Ariana.

"Normani I think, just ignore her, Ariana and I aren't together, just ignore her okay" Lauren said putting her hand on my back. Camila looked over and her smile faded when she saw Lauren's arm around me, I moved away from Lauren and kissed Camila on the cheek making her smile again. We all decided to go eat at the little diner across from the hotel. Ariana kept looking at Camila and glaring. Ariana brought some alcohol with her and everyone was drinking it slyly. Secrets were being spilled and I knew someone was gonna get hurt.

"Maybe we should go home" I told them knowing what was gonna happen.

"So you can take Camila to bed?" Ariana growled.

"Camila's first time would have to be special not like this so no" I responded.

"You think Camila is a virgin?" She said shocked.

"Ariana" Camila shouted.

"Oh my god, Camila didn't tell you? She fucked Lauren? Ugh she also fucked me." Ariana smirked. I felt like I was gonna cry. But I didn't wanna seem weak in front of everyone. So I held it in.

"I'm going for a walk" I told the group.

"I'll come" Camila piped up.

"It's best if you don't" I said harshly. I made my way outside halfway down the street I heard someone running behind me.

"Damn you walk fast" Lauren panted out of breath from running.

"Sorry" I giggled.

"Let me explain everything.."

{A/N hello there, here another update, I just wanna get the whole "what's going on" thing out there in the open so I can move forward with the story. Question timeeee

Are you people still Lauren endgame?
(I really don't like the way I've made Camila in this story)

Ariana? Opinions?

Ariana and Camila? Do you think it's true?

Lauren's gonna explain everything that's gonna be a lot of explaining 😂
Anyway sorry for any spelling mistakes, over the next few weeks I'm gonna be re reading the whole story and making any corrections and possibly making it better.
Comment what you thought and vote if you liked it
Stay sexy you beautiful human beings}

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