A Day of Promises

21 3 0

January 3, 2021

Entry: 001

"Come on, hurry up! The sun will rise soon." My mother exclaimed as she reached the top of the hill. I chuckled, "I know, just hold up. We still have time anyways." I replied as I took a breather, "Stop answering back and hurry up lazy legs." She scolded me and I replied with a "Yes mam," slightly laughing. The excitement that shone through her eyes reminded me of how long we've longed for this excursion. We never really had time to bond over the years, especially since I got busy with college and part time jobs, but now that I have graduated, I have time to spare.

Upon reaching the top was a spectacular view. Although the sun was not up yet, the magic of the blue hour entertained us. The cool breeze matched the monotone shades of azure around us. "See, I told you. We still have time." I defended as I looked around but was ignored as she pointed out, "Oh! Oh! Look!" she happily called out and we both simultaneously sighed in relief, "The Sunrise."

We were in awe of how the tint of gold started as thin rays throughout the ocean sky. It was silent for a while as we observed the view. Slowly, our surroundings started to light up. Shades of green were visible by the trees on the right while the lake at the left reflected the sun and the birds started to chirp louder.

"Sunrises remind me of a new start." She spoke and I nodded in agreement. "You're about to enter another chapter of your life after this trip." She continued and advised, "Be like the sunrise. Shine brightly as you start each day." She imparted and I hummed in agreement, "Okay." I smiled and she responded with, "You promise?" while I chuckled, "I promise." I reassured her and we chatted as the clock ticked. We reminisce about the ups and downs, funny and embarrassing moments, and many more treasured memories.

I was still laughing about a certain memory when she said, "It's amazing where we are right now and how this moment will soon be a memory." I sighed in agreement, "This will all pass in a blink of an eye. Come on! Let's eat by the fields." I implied and she agreed. We arrived at the fields and it was more beautiful than what we expected. Wild flowers grew with vibrant colors spiced up the place. "Let's eat here!" I giddily stated and laid the picnic mat on the lushful greens.

After stuffing myself, I decided to explore the area. But as I walked away, my mother's words seemed to tug the strings of my heart. "Don't go too far and come back for me." She reminded me, and for some reason, it bothered me. "I'll always come back for you." I replied, I mean, why would I not? After scouting the place, I was able to discover that the lake was closer than we thought. It reflected the clear blue sky. Oh how wonderful it is to see how serene it is. "Mom would love to sit by here." I mumbled.

My mother and I settled down by the lake and played a game of cards to pass time. She never failed to appreciate our surroundings, especially the lake, the whole time we chatted. Words exchanged and time passed by. Soon, the lake reflected the sunset. How endearing it is to see such a wonderful sight. "Sunsets are proof that endings could still be beautiful." Mother smiled at me but her reply made me a bit uneasy. "You say the most inspiring quotes ever, you should write a book filled with them." I told her and I started to feel nauseous.

She laughed at my comment, "I don't make it up, I just heard it from someone else too. If I make a book about it, copyright will be an issue." She remarked and I faked a chuckle because my head was starting to ache, "And we won't want that, now would we?" she added and I hummed, slowly massaging my temples. "Are you tired?" she asked and suggested that I take a short nap. I complied and laid down on her lap, feeling the touch of her palms and hearing her harmonious voice hum, oh how soothing it is. I felt safe but a disturbing feeling was still present. Slowly, I fell into slumber.

Upon fluttering my eyes open, I see the smile of my mother light up brighter. It seemed to reflect the sky that was decorated with the twinkling stars; her smile was as bright as they are. Though my headache had begun to subside, something deep within has clutched my chest. "What's the matter?" My mother asked as I sat up. "Nothing is wrong." I replied and changed the topic. "Wow, the stars are beautiful right now, even the moon shines brighter tonight." She nodded in agreement and my heart started pounding faster, why?

As I was trying to comprehend what was going on with me, my thoughts got distracted as she called to me. "Honey, look, it's a shooting star." She exclaimed as her eyes reflected the wonder of the sky. "What's you wish my dear?" she asked me, and I repeated, "Me?" I looked as each star played around. I snickered, "I don't think I have any. What about you?" I turned to her, "I wish to come here again with you." she answered, which made me smile. "No worries, I'll make sure that wish comes true." I reassured her, "I promise to bring you here again with me." I swore but my words inflicted my heart with pain.

My mom was still present but she was somewhat fading away. The reflection of the stars from her eyes seemed to have pierced my own with affliction. Slowly but surely, the memory started torturing me with agony as I feel the warm tears flow down my cheek. "If only I made a wish back then. A wish that could have kept that promise." And before I knew it, she disappeared. "No, wait, mom don't please..." I cried and swallowed up the guilt that finally displayed itself with the truth.

"I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry I never kept my promises." I whimpered and could only bury my face in my arms, regretting in despair.

Disclaimer: Photo not mine and credits to the owner. Inform me if you wish to put it down due to copyright.

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