A Beach Moment

10 1 2

January 14, 2021

Entry: 002

The blonde's footsteps marked its path along the soft ticklish sand as she held her thin brown seashell decorated sandals. She shivered slightly at the cool sea breeze that greeted her as she observed her surroundings. It was a serene environment, clearly no one in sight but a spectacular view on the horizon presented itself. The beautiful shimmering ocean matched the tangerine colorful sky with a tint of lavender and azure, making the female smile.

She was quite captivated by it, so she decided to sit down and watch the sunset. Moments passed and the calming sounds of the waves crashing was interrupted by a deep voice. "May I join you?" were the words that escaped from the lips of the charming man that leveled to the height of the lady who sat before him. "What a familiar face..." she thought to herself as she turned her head to him. "I don't mind." she smiled at the fellow being before gazing upon the view in front of her once more.

And just as gentle his tone was, he thanked the lady so sincerely and sat beside her. No words were exchanged, and yet a conversation in her head started to play out, making her heart race by the second. She would be lying if she didn't find him attractive, but a certain question pondered her mind the most, "Why is this moment so familiar?" she asked herself from time to time as she took quick glances at the raven headed man beside her.

Her chaotic mind was finally interrupted by the comment of the man. "Beautiful" he says, making her nod in agreement. "This view is nothing but beauty and serenity." she added and formed a camera with her hands, pretending to take a picture of the sea. "I meant my view." He chuckled as he stared into her figure. That sudden reply of course made the blonde blush in pink. "Wait, you mean me?" she asked and he tucked a strand of her hair. "Indeed." he reassures and sends off a dashing smile.

"Such a familiar dashing smile." she tells herself and slowly, tears cascaded down her cheeks. "Why are you crying?" he asked worriedly and she started to sob. "Because the sunset will soon end." she replies and he got the gist of what she meant. "But at least it will end beautifully." he held her hand and caressed her thumb, making her cry even more. "Sometimes, endings can be beautiful."

His reply hit her mind the most. And finally, after crying for a good amount of time, she chuckled. "That's why it was so familiar." she sighs in disappointment. "I'm crying over the same memory all over again." She faked a smile as the image of her husband soon vanished into the sunset. "Why must sunsets end?" she asked and buried her face into her palms. "My Love, I miss you." 

Disclaimer: Photo not mine and credits to the owner. Inform me if you wish to put it down due to copyright.

Another angst story


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