A Silly Entry

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November 12, 2022
Entry: 020

Silliness can often be intertwined with stupidity. A foolish action which could make you either laugh or frown because of how senseless or illogical the idea could be. And yet amidst that, here I am; entering a silly entry. Putting words together without careful thought or purpose. The more I type, the more I realize the ineptitude of how empty this piece of work is. Like a person attempting to fill a cup but could not quite fill it up considering the pitcher was actually filled in void as well. See, to an extent, why fill up something with nothing? Stupid indeed, and yet a foolish me still assays such a memo.

However, even the silliest entry, the emptiest cup, the most foolish idea, has a source of little to nothing of reason. Perhaps I had the idea that this could have an essence. That it could have been or could be significant if they were read by a mind that could understand. A being who would be willing to comprehend each word amidst the nothingness it relays. Imagine if that were to happen; I'd probably be on cloud nine. The very thought of it gives me butterflies; not just the fluttering ones that depict love, but something deeper.

To love is great. But to admire so remarkably that you could have sworn to almost idolize them; oh how rare it is. But even that very choice could be foolish. Because in the end, humans are not flawless. At some point, giving an effort to be patient enough to understand every ounce of the existence of another just because you have felt the urge to adore them would be tiring- worse, you may lose yourself. But to come to think of it, if one willingly risks losing themselves, is it silly or genuine?

As much as I could ponder and ramble about it for hours, I'll stop here. Because If I were to continue this trail of thought, would it do me good? From the beginning of this entry, until now, there's nothing but nothingness. These are all just words formed to create a silly entry of which is yearning for an intelligent mind who would be committed enough to willingly comprehend or even in the slightest, just to be noticed.


Disclaimer: Photo not mine - credits to the owner. But for copyright purposes, don't hesitate to message if I must put it down. Also- here's the link of the source.


There's so much words and trail of thoughts that I wished to have typed down for this entry. So much words that were inspired by someone who I thought would be willing to read. But I guess that someone is really no one. Just a phantom of my tiny world where perhaps me and that person would converse and deeply connect with one another. But since that is not the case, I'll leave this short entry as it is.


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