Only She Knows

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December 08, 2021
Entry: 015

It was funny how she tripped over air today, no one saw nor knew but her. She laughed so tirelessly, tears formed in her eyes, "how silly could things get?" She thought to herself and carried on.

It was heartwarming how she sang to the beat today, no one heard nor knew but her. "I could be a singer one day!" She smiled as she folded the newly washed laundry. "Maybe soon someone shall hear me." She thought but shrugged the idea of having someone there to do so.

It was delightful to eat such cuisine she prepared today, no one tasted nor knew but her. She realized all her hard work in the kitchen paid off. And upon opening her camera on her phone to capture it, the thought of her sharing about it on the internet came to mind. She huffed, "Now why would anybody be interested on a meal I prepared?"

It was relaxing to have the scent of lavender in her room, no one smelled nor knew but her. "I should recommend these candles to a friend." She suggested and was about to do so but stopped midway with the thought, "Now why bother the person? They might be busy or uninterested in such a random candle."

It was cold. That day was too cold to be true. No one felt the same nor knew but her. It was always only her. She'd say she had friends but she was alone anyways. Everyone has their own troubles, she has that too, but it was quite lonely dealing with it this way. She was always lonely. It was sad but true. It was safe but burdensome. If only they knew she was like this too.

To the girl who doesn't want to bother you, please help her.


Another short entry but was written with emotions that are sincerely from the bottom of my heart.

Disclaimer: Photo is not mine credits to the owner. Inform me if you wish to put it down due to copyright.


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