Different From that of Yesterday

13 1 1

September 6, 2022

Entry: 019

It was the peak of the charcoal haired boy's career when he admitted in an interview that he got this far because of a woman who inspired and pushed him to do so. A dear friend that he admired deeply back in college, to which he confesses, "Yeah, I could say that I have had a crush on her during those times." An answer that led the interviewer to inquire more on who and what kind of person did the prince of acting, Kaden, mention about.

She was the best director who served as the guiding light in his eyes. Although he loved acting and portraying various roles, he used to have a problem with performing in front of people. He was pretty much passionate about it, but couldn't get himself to have the courage to do so because he knew that he was being watched by others. This truth reached a young lass' ears, a friend he met in the most peculiar timing- a chapter to be told on another day- proposed an idea for him to practice on.

"Why don't you pretend every move and word you say from day to day is part of a movie or play?" She suggested and he started doing it during college. It was random scenarios, themes, or even a drama that he would execute in class or outside, but mostly with her. He'd say lines from movies, or make up his own, and she never fails to criticize him as if she was the best of the best. A characteristic he later finds too amusing not to fall for.

"She was always in character whenever I approached her. For some reason, I can't get under her skin, in fact I always thought she was the best actress. It was that, or she was just really unfazed by my acting or moves." Kaden chuckled and further added, "There was a time I confessed to her, but I guess she didn't get the gist that I wasn't acting anymore. Instead of answering like a normal being, she criticized my lines and said I could have put more emotion."

"Then why didn't you tell her that it wasn't an act anymore?" The interviewer asked, only to receive a smirk. "I'm not quite sure." He paused, "Perhaps I got cowardly again. However, after that day, I still recall how much the fire in me burned brighter to practice and reach the goal to impress or at least move her through acting." He continued and all the more the interview revolved around this particular person who was the inspiration of his life.

Unfortunately for the rest of the world, Kaden was committed to keeping the girl's name a secret. A secret unfolded to no other but the woman herself and her dear actor friend. A friend who called her up days later to meet, seeking to see her presence after years of not doing so. "To what do I owe the pleasure to meet the prince of acting, my dear Kaden?" The brunette in a slick black V-neck retro fashioned dress with shades even darker than it approached Kaden in elegance. "I forgot how sophisticated she dresses." Kaden smiled at the beauty who greeted him.

In return, he stood to shake her hand, a gesture that made her raise a brow. "My, my-" she chuckled, "You've changed quite a bit." She continued and sat in the vacant seat in front of him, "Even talking about me behind my back to the rest of the world." She teased, earning an embarrassed sigh, "So you saw the interview?" he asked and her nod was enough to answer his question. "I'm flattered Kaden." She took off her shades, and piercing emerald orbs reflected the hazel ones in Kaden's. "But there is a misconception that I would like to address concerning that." She added and he inquired what it was.

She placed both her elbows against the table, her chin beneath the knuckles of her thin pale hands, "I knew your confession was real." She answered seriously, earning an unconvinced laughter from the man across from her. She gave an eye roll before adding, "You and I both know I keep a diary, would you like me to open it on August 23 the year 2005?" She continued, making Kaden's eyes avert to hers, "You're serious?" and she hummed, "Yes." He was taken aback, "If so, then why did you push me away and criticized my 'said' acting?" he emphasized and her answer was nothing but straightforward. "Because it sucks."

Her response bursted the two of them in laughter, something they longed to feel in a while. "So you weren't at all impressed by my courageous act." He fooled around, "Indeed, you could have been more genuine Kaden." she said, "But I must admit," she looked away and smiled sweetly, "You made my heart skip a beat those days." she confessed, "I had a crush on you back then too." She further added, earning a perplexed stare from the boy. "The feeling was mutual but you never implied such emotions?" He furrowed his brow while she smirked, "Well, I am a poker player after all."

He could only smile as the thought of her returning his admiration back then made his heart race once more, like the old days. Begrudgingly, he asked, "What if we try dating now?" Although her eyes softened at the idea, she knew deep down that neither of them were really in love. And so she said, "Your love is different from that of yesterday, why would you now pursue a what if of us just because you heard of what we could have been?" She chuckled in amusement while the male just stared at her eyes. Eyes that were telling the truth. The truth of which the picture of them being something more will only be a pigment of a nonexistent memory.

And for the first time in their friendship, an uncomfortable silence washed over the two of them. Never had they stared into each other's orbs for that long. They knew they said what they had to say, but why do they feel this way? The midnight black haired boy looked away first, making her sigh quietly to herself. "If you think carefully, we have already accepted that the things between us will stay as it is," she added and he continued her sentence with a sparkling smile, "because we both know that it is all we would ever really be." Their eyes made contact once more and the female hummed in agreement as the other nodded. They both embraced their fate to only bloom in a platonic friendship. Although they may have felt something more back then, their hearts were different from that of yesterday.

"So let's get down to business, why did you call me up, Kaden?" She changed the topic and the male smiled in mirth, "Let me portray your protagonist." He answered and she was surprised to hear what she was hearing, "What protagonist?" She asked only to receive another surprise, "I know you wrote those novels, Paige, the best masked novelist, who else would it be?" He leaned closer, "No one writes the way you do, especially when it's about money and poker."

Paige was now assured of how things have definitely changed, "You have really changed." she responded and Kaden looked away, "We're both different from that of Yesterday, aren't those your words, Paige?" Although the door to love has closed, a new one opens. A story best reserved since it is different from that of tomorrow.


I had issues with grammar these days, I've been studying it more and I've been learning a thing or two. The title in itself is the inspiration to the whole thing, a mistake I have been trying to correct during my study. This story has a lot of loose ends but for the mean time, I guess I only have the time to keep it that way. I have been more busy and have other priorities, but it's nice to have a few minutes to come up with this. Surely, it made me miss playing poker.

Disclaimer: Photo is not mine credits to the owner. Inform me if you wish to put it down due to copyright.


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