When Things Go Bad ♥

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A/N: If you want to I have some music on the side that might go good with thhis chapter! Not sure but I LOVE that song! It is called 'Through Glass' by Stone Sour. They are a really good group!


Katrina’s POV

After movie time I walked up to my room. I wanted some alone time. I sat on my bed and felt the soft bed sheets I had. This was my new home. I still feel like this could all be a dream. I have a amazing bedroom, now 2 children, and 9 amazing friends. I still do not believe this is happening. I used to have a crappy bedroom, no kids, and 1 friend who I miss dearly. I think I might try to visit her today. Her name is Addie and she looks like this…..


She is so nice. She has a sweet personality, she barely ever gets upset at anything. I mean a few times she has where she let me know how she felt about sports. I agree with her about sports. If you want to know we were talking about how the popular girls only hit it to there best friends or hog it. Also we talked about how unfair it was for there to be favoritism to the popular kids but that’s life. I then pulled out my dumb cheap phone and called Addie. It rung 3 times before she answered.

K-Katrina A-Addie

A- Hey Katrina! Why have you not called me lately?

K- I am so sorry, I have been busy with stuff…

A- To busy to even not text? (she asked glumly)

K- I have been and I promice I will at least text you once a day. So have you heard the recent news?

A- Fine and what recent news?

K-Well um I ran away with Nicole then my parents died and I have to take care of , and be the mother of Nicole. Also my aunt died and she wanted me to have her son so now I have 2 children. I also am not living at home

A- What do you mean not living at home?!?! Are you living on the street?

K- (chuckles) No, I am living with some amazing people. I wanna pay them back, I really don’t know how to though.

A- Who are these amazing people? (laughs)

K- Here is a hint (Singing) So get out get out get out of my head. And fall in to my arms instead. I don’t I don’t don’t know what it is, but I need that one thing, and you’ve got that one thing

A- Is it One Direction?

K- Yepperoni

A- Oh My gosh you are so lucky! Can you come over and visit?

K-That is what I called for! I wanna hang out! Can I come over?

A- Sure! Arrive soon please and bring your kids.

K-Got It! Bye!

I got off the phone and got changed. Then I went into Nicole’s room and got her changed and lastly went into Nicks room where I got him changed. We looked like this……


I walked downstairs to see everyone eating. They looked up at me.

“Whats going on Katrina?” they asked

“I am going to see Addie, she is my other friend” I said and they nodded as I took one of the small cars and drove to her house.


Katrina’s POV

I parked the car in Addie’s driveway. It was quite quiet outside. I felt like something was wrong and ignored it. I picked up Nick and Nicole and made my way to the door. I knocked on it and is squeaked open ‘Odd’ I thought as I walked in. It was pitch black inside. All I could hear were little noises. ‘Maybe Addie is trying to scare me’ I thought as I kept walking. Just then I felt something press hard against my neck.

Abused ♥ (A One Direction Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now