Hunted AU

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An AU inspired by the mobile game "Identity V", which I play a lot.

Instead of a killing game, the students find themselves in a manor, having all been invited to compete in a game. They haven't been told what this game is.

There are two factions, Survivors (which are the students) and hunters (monokuma and the masterminds).

In the game they are given titles and skills (for example some Identity V survivors include: The gardener can break rocket chairs, the prisoner can connect two machines to decode them faster and can zap the hunters, e5c. Hunters in Identity V include: The Bloody Queen who can summon a mirror and her reflection appears on the other side and can hit survivors etc.) So in this the characters titles can be their ultimates and their abilities can have something to do with their talent too. And Magical Abilities are alright since some in game survivors have magic like creating portals and creating fake versions of themselves.

They play in matches and live in the manor. These matches are 4 survivors vs 1 hunter, (there is also a 2 v 8 mode).

Survivors must decode 5 machines to activate the exit gate, once the gate us active They must enter the pass code and escape, however all this time they are being hunted by the hunter.

If the hunter finds them they will catch them and tie them to rocket chairs. Survivors can rescue captured teammates, however if someone is caught 3 times they are automatically eliminated (or if they aren't rescued before the time limit runs out).

If 2 escape the match ends in a tie, if 3 or more escape the survivors win, if 1 or 0 escape the hunter wins.

The thing is, even if they escape they are just sent back to the manor. They may escape the maps for matches, but are forever trapped in this manor (however nobody kills each other in this so that's cool, plus they get rewards for winning matches).

We could rp life in the manor, or a match. Or both.

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