End of the line

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Our OC's were close friends throughout the killing game. (From here on I'll refer to them as OC 1 and OC 2)

One day OC 1 loses someone (Whether crush or a friend) and eventually snaps. They approach OC 2. The last thing OC 2 hears as they die is "There's nothing to lose when you're lonely and friendless"(Yes, it's a line from a song I have stuck in my head) almost as if OC 1 is trying to justify their actions.

Almost instantly, after realising what they've done OC 1 feels immense guilt and regret, realising they killed their best friend. OC 2, now a ghost, is forced to watch as everyone investigates.

OC 1 can somehow see OC 2's ghost and this only makes them feel worse. Does the dead one forgive them? Try to comfort them? Or do they now hate them?

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