Chapter 5 - Cecilia

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 Waking up, I felt weird. Or should I say, I felt good? For the first time in years, I didn't wake up from nightmares. On the contrary, I don't think I had a single nightmare. It looks like I slept in too.

 Looking out the window, I realized that the sun had long ago risen and it was already noon.

 When was the last time I slept like this?

 As I kept looking out the window I also noticed something else. On the windowsill, I noticed the corner of something white. Opening the window, I finally realized what it was.


 Why would there be a cecilia at my window? Did the wind blow it up here? But, aren't there only found in Mondstadt...

 Then it clicked. I turned around, looking at my table. There stood a vase with a single stalk of cecilia.

 Don't tell me he was here? How did he know where I live anyway?

 But, was it because of him? Did he calm it down again?

 Just then, I heard a knock coming from the door, followed by Verr Goldet's concerned voice.

 "Xiao, are you there? Are you okay?"

 "I'm here, just give me a moment." 

 I quickly changed my clothes before opening the door. There stood Verr Goldet, looking at me with a concerned expression.

 "What brings you here?"

 "You didn't come down for breakfast and it was already noon. I was afraid something happened to you." She explained, no longer looking so worried.

 "Do I look unwell to you, then?"

 "You look fine. You look good even." She said, but her tone held a hint of confusion.

 "What is it?"

 "Nothing, it's just my first time seeing you so well-rested and in a good mood in the morning." She said, now smiling.

 "I'm just going down to eat."

 I didn't want to continue this conversation for some reason, but I have to admit, that I indeed felt much better.

 I really need to find that bard today.

I took a step around Verr Goldet in an attempt to go down to have breakfast, but I didn't realize that my actions allowed her to see into my room.

 "What's whit the flowers?" She asked suddenly.

 "Nothing, I found them while I was out yesterday." That's not completely wrong...

 "What's with everyone and cecilias these days? First the bard and now you." She continued to say some other thing, but I didn't hear any of it already.

 "The bard?"

 "Oh yeah, there was a bard here this morning. He was getting ready to leave when I came to wake you up. Pretty talented, I have to say. But, why are you asking? It's not the first time a bard came-"

 Not letting her finish, I ran down the stairs, nearly running into Xianglin.

 "Good morning, Xiao." She greeted cheerfully.

 "Is he still here?"


 "The bard. Is he still here?"

 "Oh him? He left a while ago. I even offered him free food just so he would stay, but he refused." She sounded a little dejected. 

 "Do you know where he was going?"

 "He said he was going home, so I presume Mondstdt, but why are you ask-"

 "Thank you! I have to go now!"

 And with that I ran back up to my room, leaving behind a baffled Xianglin.

 I took my spear and ran down again, only to be stopped by Verr Goldet.

 "Take this." She handed me a bag.

 "What is it?"

 "Breakfast. Now go, you might miss him otherwise." Saying that she walked back behind a counter, waving me goodbye.

 Looking inside the bag, I saw a box of fresh almond tofu. I said thank you and ran down the stairs, running in the direction of Mondstadt.

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