Chapter 9 - What it means

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"How does wind spirit sound?" He asked in all seriousness.

"Why do you make it sound like you're not sure yourself?"

"That's because I'm not."


"I was originally a wind spirit, but a lot of things happened and I turned into something else after gaining something. But now I lost that thing and I don't even know anymore." He sounded extremely confused and I wasn't any better of myself.

This is just getting more and more confusing as we go on.

"Let's just leave it at wind spirit then. Now, can you explain what this does?"  I pointed at the mark.

"First of all, it is still a Mark of Possession, dragon or not, so this mark tells me about your location and if you're hurt."

"That's it?" From the way, he had reacted I thought it would have some horrible consequences.

"Well, because you have an anemo vision it  should also enhance your affinity with anemo energy and strengthen it, but other than that, nothing else that I know of."

"Then what the hell were you so worried about?" I really didn't get it.

So far he has told me nothing bad about it, so why worry?

"You... Do you even know what that is?" He stuttered.

"A Mark of Possession."

"Yes, but do you know what it means?"

"Is it supposed to mean something?"

After I asked this, saw Venti's face go completely red. From his face to his ears, all the way down to his neck, as red as an apple.

"You- you- Go ask that blockhead Morax!" And with that, he rushed out the door slamming it behind him.

"What the hell?"

Left with no other choice, I went to find Morax. I looked all around the house till I finally found him sitting on the couch, sadly enough, along with Childe.

"Hello, Xiao. Have you finished your talk with Venti, where is he anyway?" He asked looking around.

"He ran off," I muttered, still confused by his actions.

"Ran off? Again?"


"He comes to talk with me sometimes, but he keeps running off every time you approach," Morax explained.

"And I have never noticed?"

No way. If this happened more than one time, there is no way I wouldn't have noticed.

"He is a fast guy. I'm sure he has pulled that trick of his in front of you too." He chuckled.

That suddenly reminded me of the first time we met. That time he also disappeared without me even noticing.

"You look like you just remembered one such case."

"Yeah. But Morax, I have to ask something." I remembered why I was here in the first place.

"Go ahead."

"The Mark of Possession, what does it mean exactly?"

I saw him freeze, his face showing a dumbfounded expression. Childe, on the other hand, had a more open reaction.

"Hahahahaha! I was already wondering why he was so calm. Turns out he doesn't know. Hahahahaha!"

"Xiao, it would be better if you sit down." Morax pointed at the chair across the couch.

After I sat down he opened his mouth to explain, only to be stopped by Childe.

" Let me explain it."

"But I'm more experienced with this."

" But, your experience is from the giving side, not the receiving one. You're probably gonna over-explain it anyways." Childe pointed out, and Morax finally gave in.

The fatui turned to me, looking me straight in the eyes as he smirked.

"This thing..." He pointed at the mark on his own neck.

"Means only one thing.

 You are mine, and mine alone, all the way till the day you die.

 It can be considered a confession of absolute love and devotion."

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