Chapter 43 - Some wine

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Xiao's POV

 "So, we're going to Inazuma on a ship?" 

 "Are you not okay with it? If you're not, I can find another way."

 "No, that's not it, it was just a little surprising that's all."

 "Well, you can't exactly teleport over, and me flying all the way to Inazuma carrying another person is also out of the question so, we're left with a ship."

 He pointed at the Alcor.

 "As I said, I'm okay with it. It's not like I will get seasick..."

 Ugh. Fuck!

 This is embarrassing. How could an adeptus get seasick?!

 We have already been out at sea for four days and during the first few hours of our trip, I became severely seasick.

 Venti was so worried, that captain Beidou pretty much had to drag him away just so I could get some privacy, and even then, he would still come back to check on me every hour or so.

 Speaking of one hour...

 He hasn't come back for the past three hours. Just what could he be doing?

 I slowly got up from my bed and walked up to the main deck. There I found not only Venti but also Kazuha. 

 Venti was holding a sword, standing in the middle of the deck, saying something to Kazuha, who then took his own sword and made an inviting motion towards Venti.

 Don't tell me they're going to...

 The next second the two blades clashed. Kazuha's large amount of experience and origin as a samurai was evident from his swordsmanship, while Venti...

 "Fascinating isn't it?" A voice sounded behind me.

 "Captain Beidou."

 "Good to see you're well enough to walk Xiao." She chuckled.

 If it was someone else saying this, I might have thought that they were mocking me, but thinking about all the care I received these past few days, I couldn't bring myself to think about it like that.

 "I'm not that weak."

 "Oh, I know that, trust me. Weak people don't teleport around Liyue with the Tianquan in tow. Those two, on the other hand, are really something else." She turned back to the two.

 I turned back to look as well. Just like Beidou had said,  it was fascinating, almost like a dance. 

 While Kazuha was the one actively attacking, Venti was matching every one of his moves, the style of his strikes extremely similar to that of the samurai.

 "Well look at that! Isn't you're little friend quite the talented swordsman? I haven't seen anyone match Kazuha like this since I've met him."

 That was true, but...

 "Venti isn't a swordsman though." I muttered but she seemed to have heard it.

 "What?! If he isn't a swordsman then what does he use? A claymore, a spear?" She looked baffled.

 "Venti uses a bow." I explained.

 If she was baffled before, now her face was filled with pure shock.

 "A-a bow?! Are you sure?"

 "I'm sure."

 "With a talent like that, why the hell would he use a bow?"

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