Side Story 4 - Nightmare

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 Verr Goldet's POV

 Everyone has a bad day once in a while. Something that goes wrong, or even just a simple word that's enough to bring up a bad memory.

 Me, you, and even archons, I guess.

 It was a while ago, that Xiao showed up with the familiar bard in tow one night.

 If I say a hadn't been shocked, I would be lying.

 Anyone would be surprised if the adeptus they were tasked with supervising showed up with a bard and preceded introduce him as the anemo archon.

 I wonder what kind of face I was making at that time.

 Well, anyway, now both of them have moved in together and are living in Xiao's room upstairs.

 Though stressful at first, Venti's presence was very much welcome at the inn.

 Ever since the news got out that he was staying here, we have had more and more customers from Mondstadt wanting to catch one of his performances.

 I had been worried at first, but as it turns out, he is more than willing to play once in a while.

 Even Xiao had gotten more lively with him around. Sometimes I even saw a smile on his face I think.

 All in all, it was a good change. Mostly that is.



 I woke up in shock but soon calmed down again.

 This is the third time this week.

 The third time the in was hit by an explosion of anemo energy.


 It wasn't Xiao.

 I put on a coat and slowly walked up the stairs to the top floor.

 When I got there I could hear a few hushed whispers.

 "Shh, it's okay. I'm here."

 It was Xiao.

 His voice was soft, uncharacteristically so.

 "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

 "It's fine. We put a barrier down so they shouldn't notice." Xiao interrupted Venti.

 Correction. The guests wouldn't notice. I still do.

 How did this start again?

 It was about a week ago that a woman showed up at the inn.

 She introduced herself as Izzy and left after telling me to be careful around Barbatos for a while.

 Yes, she said Barbatos. That's why I took it quite seriously.

 At first, nothing happened, but a few days ago, I was awakened by the whole inn shaking.

 It was only the next day that Xiao told me that Venti had a nightmare and that they would make sure something like this didn't happen again.

 Well, it did.

 At least the inn didn't shake that time.



 This is the third time.

 After the second one, I wrote a letter to lady Ningguang.

 She also knew of Venti's presence and identity and Xiao did tell me to report whatever, so I did.

 In the reply, she told me that the anniversary of Mondstadt becoming free and Barbatos ascending to be god were around this time, so that might have caused it one way or another.

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