Part 3

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Light taps on my shoulder woke me up. I actually didn't realize I also fell asleep. While Fluke and I were talking and waiting for his father to arrive, I saw him yawn so I asked him to lay his head on my shoulder. And in just a few minutes he was already sleeping soundly. I leaned my head on him just to feel him, but maybe I was so comfortable with him next to me that it lulled me down to sleep. 

I looked up at the person tapping my shoulder and saw a middle-aged man standing with his arms crossed in front of him. He looked intimidating with the looks he was giving me, and I knew right away that he was Fluke's dad. 

I smiled politely and nodded my head a little. I gestured for him to wait for a while and I gently moved Fluke's head to his chair's backrest. I fixed his blanket and made sure he was comfortable before I stood up and formally met his father. 

I wai-ed as soon as I faced the older man who was eyeing me the whole time. 

"Hi, Sir. I'm Ohm." I said and extended my hand in front of me. 

He just looked at it, but still took it after a while. "Let's talk. Follow me." I nodded and followed him near a tree a few feet away from Fluke. "Tell me what you want from my son."

"I don't have any bad intentions, Sir. I like him."

"You just pity him. Did he tell you about his condition?"

I nodded but countered his first thought. "Sir, I was already drawn to him even before he told me about his health condition. I wouldn't know he was battling with cancer if he didn't mention it. I actually found him really bright and jolly. I never thought he was battling seriously for his life."

He nodded his head slowly as if thinking about his next statement. "You said you like him. . ." And I said yes. "You want to be his friend?"

"We are friends now, Sir. . . And I want to get to know him better. . . Uhm. . . Sir," I said and looked at him. "I like him not as a friend but more than. . ." 

"Wait, young man. . ." He interrupted me, "You've just met my son."

"Yes, Sir. But. . ."

"You do know what might happen to him in the future. We're still battling for his life, Ohm. If you will just give him another heartache, please go. . ." 

He was about to go back to Fluke, but I stopped him. "Then let me be with him through this battle." He turned back to me, and was about to say something more, "Please, Sir." He sighed. If I needed to beg him, I would. "In a very short time, I knew he was the one. I want to be by his side whenever he needs me. I want to take care of him. I want to make him happy. I. . ."

"Ohm. . . I understand what you want right now. Because I've been with him from the very start. But are you sure you want to do it? Fluke might be okay now, but his illness is a traitor. Cancer usually returns, and we don't know what will happen to him later. We are doing our best for him to be better and last for at least a few years longer than expected. Ohm. . . All I want is for him to be happy while he's still here. He had so much pain, Ohm, so if you would just give him heartaches, please don't push yourself into his life."

I understood where he was coming from. He loved Fluke very much and he was afraid to see him hurt. Just like what Fluke had said, he was the only family his father had. 

"Sir. . . I know you're thinking I was insane for telling you that I wanted to be in Fluke's life because we just knew each other for a few hours. But I will never stop to prove to you that I am here for him. Even I can't believe I could fall for someone this fast. I just felt that I wanted to make him happy. I want him to continue to be happy with me."

"His ex-boyfriend told me the same thing before. . . But where is he now? He left him when he knew Fluke had cancer." He sighed deeply. "Then I saw him after only a week. . . kissing someone."

"Sir. . . You do know that I am not that man. I know about Fluke's condition, but I still want to be with him."

He sighed again and asked. "For how long?" 

"For as long as he wants me to."

"Ohm. . ."

"Sir, I. . ." 

He stopped me and he continued. "Let's say you are really here for good and won't hurt him, but you are a celebrity and your world might hurt him."

It was true. The world I had was cruel sometimes, and people around me might hurt Fluke unintentionally. However, I was never been this sure of what I wanted in my life, and that moment I got to know Fluke, I knew he was the one I wanted.

"I know, Sir. If I need to leave my work, I will. Just to protect him."

"I doubt you will." He was still not convinced.

"Let me tell you about myself, Sir. . . I entered the industry because of a game. I lost from my friends and as a punishment, they forced me to join a modeling contest. For an introvert like me, everything was so awkward at first, but I wanted to prove to myself as well that I could do it. Fortunately, I won the said contest and everything continued. I was offered not only modeling stints but also different roles in dramas and movies. I  took all those, Sir. I worked hard. . . Really hard. With that, I can say that I earned more than enough to live a life without working in the industry." He was about to say something, but I asked him to listen to me more. "I also have some investments, so I am earning from them as well. It's okay for me to leave my job in the entertainment world. If you are afraid that people might hurt Fluke because he is with me, one wrong move from them, I will leave." I explained and sighed in relief. I really wanted him to understand that my intentions were real. 

He was silent. I knew what he was thinking. As a father, his being protective of his child was understandable, especially in Fluke's condition. 

"What will your parents say? I don't want my son to get hate from your family as well. Not only he's a guy, but he's also sick." He asked hesitantly.

"My parents are okay with whoever I want to be with, as long as that person will make me happy. I know Fluke is the one that will make me happy." 

He then took a deep breath, "I really don't know what to say. . ."

"Just give me a chance, Sir."

He was about to say something, but Fluke's soft voice calling me made him stop. I rushed to where Fluke was and sat next to him. 

"Hey. .  . I'm here." I said and reached for his face. 

He leaned his face on my palm, "Where were you?"

I smiled at him and fixed his hair gently. "I just talked to someone." Then my eyes averted on his Dad who was standing behind his seat. 

Fluke turned to look behind him and saw his dad. He stood up and opened both of his arms, "Daddy!" then he walked around to hug the man. "When did you arrive, Daddy?" he asked. Then he looked at me, "Ohm, why didn't you wake me up?" He asked me.

"You were sleeping soundly, and I didn't want to disturb you," I explained and smiled at him.

His dad was just hugging him tight while looking at us. I knew there were lots of things going on in his head. 

"Dad, this is my friend, Ohm." Fluke introduced. "Ohm, this is my Dad."

"We've already talked, Sweetheart." His dad said eyeing me.

"Really?" Fluke asked. 

"Yeah. . . And he even invited me to your place."

"What?" His Dad asked. He was about to say something more but stopped when he heard Fluke.

"Yey!" He exclaimed and looked up at his dad. "Really, Daddy?" He then hugged his dad one more time. "Thank you, Dad!"

His dad then glared at me and mouthed. 'I'll kill you.'

I just shrugged my shoulders, for I didn't take it seriously. I was just happy that I could have more time with Fluke after this day.


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