Part 5

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The rest of the day went well aside from the occasional counterattacks of Sir Frank. I was kinda used to it already and I knew he wouldn't stop anytime soon. However, it took me by surprise when he approached me after dinner and told me to stay for the night. 

I got so excited that I even hugged him while thanking him. He was taken aback by my reaction that he chuckled awkwardly while patting my back.

I just finished washing up when I heard a knock on the door. I quickly put on my clothes and as I opened the door, a brightly smiling Fluke was standing outside. 

"Hey. . ." I said and reached for his hand. "Do you need something?"

"Uhm. . . yeah. I just want to ask you if you want to join Dad and me for some tea?"

I squeezed his hand a little and answered. "Of course, I would love to. . . I just need to dry my hair a little." As I pointed to my wet hair.

"Oh. . . okay." He said and let go of my hold. 

My hand suddenly felt empty, so I reached for him again. "Wait. Would you like to stay and wait for me? It will only take a few, I promise." 

He looked at our joined hands and then at me. He smiled and nodded. "Sure."

I pulled him gently inside the room and just told him to sit but he asked if he could help me dry my hair. Of course, who was I to refuse the person I like to dry my hair, right? So, I gladly gave in.

He was just drying my hair. Just a little gesture, but I felt like a happy kid who happened to win a big bag of chocolates. I was smiling the whole time. 

"Why are you smiling like that?" He asked and that stopped me from being all giddy. 

"Nothing. I just can't imagine someone like you will do this for me." I answered nonchalantly.

He stopped and hit my shoulder lightly. "Hey! What do you mean someone like me?" He asked and chuckled.

"Someone I like."

He stopped. He did stop. I looked at him through the mirror in front of us and saw his surprised look. 

"Uhm. . . you mean. . . as a f. . . friend, right?" 

I stood up, took the hairdryer in his hand, and put it on the desk. I pushed him to sit on the stool and I kneeled in front of him. 

"Fluke. . ." I started and held both of his hands while looking at him in the eyes. "I like you more than that. And I know this feeling I have for you will be even deeper as time goes by."

"But. . . But. . ."

"Shh. . . Do you like me, Fluke?" I asked and he nodded slowly. "Do you think it is the same as what I am feeling?" 

He stayed silent for a while. I got nervous, actually, because I didn't want to get rejected. I really wanted him to be with me.

Then he sighed and said, "I think so."

I let out a sigh of relief after hearing that. I put his hands on both sides of my face. "Will you let me be with you? I mean as your partner. . . as your boyfriend"

"But. . . I'm sick, Ohm." He said hesitantly.

"Then let me stay with you and take care of you. Let's fight together."

"I won't last long . . . My days are numbered. . ." He removed his hands from my face and lowered his head. 

I held his cheeks and gently lift his face for him to look at me. "Remember what you told me? You said you would want to use the time you had to do what you wanted to do and make your dad happy." He nodded his head. "Then would you let me do the same? I want to be with you till the end. I want to make you happy."

"But I'm . . . I'm scared. I don't want to hurt you. What. . . what will happen to you if I die?  I don't. . ." 

I stopped him by giving him a peck on the lips. His eyes widen in shock and his hand automatically covered his lips. 

"Hey. . ." I said and removed his hand from his mouth. "Can we just think about the present? Yes, we cannot ignore the fact about your health. Let's hope for the best. Let's hope that we would win this battle." I caressed his cheek and continued. "For now, can we just be happy together without thinking of the worst? I promise we will be together through all these." 

His tears escaped immediately from his eyes and I brushed them away gently. 

"Are. . . a. . . are you. . . sure about this? I mean. . ."

"I've never been this sure in my life, Baby." 

"Baby?" He exclaimed. 

"Yup. You are my baby." I said and winked. "So would you be my baby? For real?" 

I showed him my two fingers crossed just to let him know that I was hoping for him to say yes. Then he chuckled instantly and cupped my face.

"Yes. . ." He whispered. I smiled from ear to ear and was about to hug him but he continued. ". . . Baby."

I was completely surprised. I suddenly felt overwhelmed with the emotions I had and my tears began to fall. 

"Hey. . . Why are you crying?" 

I shook my head continuously and said. "Tears of joy. Thank you for letting me in." I stood up and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you, Baby. I love you." 

I felt his arm wrapped around my waist, nodding his head. And in a muffled voice, I heard him say, "I love you, too."

And with that, I was the happiest man in the world!


"Ohm!" I heard someone call me as I walked back to my room after sending Fluke to his.  

"Yes, Sir?"

"Can we talk for a while?" 

"Sure, Sir," I said and he asked me to follow him. 

"Would you like a drink?" He said offering me a glass of liquor.

"I don't drink, Sir."

"Good, then." He said and sat across from me. "I heard everything." I furrowed my eyebrows confused about his statement, so he continued. "I was about to call both of you since Fluke took so long to go back. The door was slightly ajar so I could still hear you talking. I heard your confession and. . ."

"He accepted it, Sir," I said looking straight into his eyes. 

He nodded his head slowly. "I know."

Both of us fell silent as if thinking of what to say next.

"Sir. . . uhm. . ." 



"You are my son's boyfriend now, right? He let you in and it is just right for me to accept you, too. . . so you can call me Dad now."

"Ar. . . Are you. . . s. . .sure. . . Da. . .Dad?" I stuttered. He just hummed in reply. "Thank you, Sir. . . I . . . I mean. . . Dad. Thank you, Dad."

"Just remember this. . . All I want is for my son to be happy. . . you will do that, right?"

"Yes, Dad."

"And. . . if you don't want to continue anymore, just tell me right away. I will understand you and your reasons. I will gladly take him back. Just don't hurt him."

"I'm here to stay. I know you are still not convinced, but I will never stop until you feel how important he is to me and how serious I am to him."

"I'll be watching, then. Prove me, son." He said and raised his glass. 

I smiled and nodded. Getting his blessing was one of the achievements I received. Well. . . the best one so far was having Fluke as my boyfriend. 


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