Part 7

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I ran to him and hugged his tiny waist as soon as I saw him when I entered the kitchen. He was cooking something, so he was so surprised when he knew it was me. 

"Baby!" He exclaimed and turned around to wrap his arms around my neck. "You said you wouldn't be back until the next day."

"Surprise, Baby!" I said smiling widely. He nodded and leaned his head on my chest. "Oh, god! Finally. I missed you so much."

"I missed you, too." He said and looked at me.

I was about to lean my head to kiss him but a loud shriek startled both of us.

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" It was my sister, Pine. Fluke looked at me, then at my sister. "You're so cute, Phi."

She then walked towards us and snatched Fluke from me. I was shocked when I saw her squishing Fluke's face and smiling at him like she found her favorite toy. My goodness! I was about to pull her and throw her outside, but I heard Fluke's giggles. The one I always liked to hear.

"Aww. . . even your giggles are so cute. Oh my goodness! I love you already. Please tell me you will break up with my brother. I can be your girlfriend, you know. . .  and. . ."

She wasn't able to finish what she had to say because I pulled her away from my boyfriend and covered her mouth. "Mom! Will you please send this woman away from the Earth? Send her to Mars or whatever planet that is far from here." I said angrily and pushed her to my parents. "I shouldn't have brought you here. I can't believe you would be my rival for my Baby." I huffed and pulled Fluke in my arms. 

"Phew! Possessive much? P' Ohm, I was joking!" She said, but then she winked at Fluke. "But you can consider it, too, P' Fluke. Just tell me!"

"Enough!" I said firmly. 

Fluke then held my face and massaged my furrowed eyebrows. "Baby. . . I won't trade you for anyone. Don't worry. Hmm?" 

"Aww. . . His voice is nice, too." I heard Pine comment, and I glared at her, which made her raise both hands showing she would stop.

"Baby!" Fluke said and glared at me. My breath hitched at that. Though he still looked adorable, a glaring Fluke was something you wouldn't want to see. I really didn't want him to get mad at me. I pressed my lips together and nodded. He then looked at my family and smiled shyly. "Hi! Welcome to our home." He looked at me and whispered, "Why didn't you tell me they were coming?" 

"It's a surprise," I said and smiled. 

"Yeah, right. I was surprised alright. With the way, your sister squeezed my face, who wouldn't be?" He said with a raised eyebrow, but he was smiling from ear to ear.

"Sorry about that. She can be really loud most of the time." I said. "And. . ."

"Erhm. . ." We both looked at the person who cleared his throat. "Uhm. . . Sons, we are still here, you know." Fluke's Dad said smirking.

"Oh. . . yeah. Sorry, Dad. I just missed my Baby." I  said and hugged Fluke again tightly. 

"Yeah. . . I can see that. Let's not stay here in the kitchen for long, I'm kinda hungry, too. You just arrived, so your parents must be hungry, too, right?"

"Oh. . . yeah. I'm sorry." I said shyly. "By the way, Baby, these are my parents, Andy and Mara. Mom, Dad, this is Fluke, my boyfriend."

Both of them looked at each other and then at Fluke. Mom smiled beautifully at my boyfriend and reached for his hand. I let go of Fluke from my arms. 

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