Chapter Three---Experiences

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As she learned the language, she became more curious about the intricacies of the world she was now living in. She headed toward the library and, after making sure no one was near, pulled several books off the shelves.

"Beast people, dragons, elves, and dark elves. Hm..."

'There isn't much information on whale beast people or dragons. Whales are supposedly gorgeous? They must be stunning for that to be mentioned in a book.'

The information on dragons was lacking, but what she did acquire was quite helpful.

"Growth phases, huh. Polymorph? That's intriguing, how do I use it?"

Focusing on the mana inside her she began changing its shape. Hair fell into her face and she stood up.

'It worked! So small, am I around 3?'

As her small body floated up, she clenched her fists. Ecstatic she turned invisible before heading to the bathroom.

 Ecstatic she turned invisible before heading to the bathroom

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'I thought I wasn't having dismorphia because I'm no longer human!'

"This face is also way too pretty, and purple eyes? Why did I not look in a mirror before?"

'Are children supposed to be this beautiful? I chose whale beast person appearance though,  so I guess it makes sense.'

But what she didn't know, is that dragons would take first place 10 out of 10 times.


As she was uninformed about the rest of this kingdom, she decided to leave this territory. She had learned long ago that this area was known as the Ubarr territory.

Now that she had a human form she needed clothing. Using the coins she had gathered/found, she bought the bare minimum. Once she gathered enough food to last at least a week she was ready to set out. She followed a carriage that was leaving. Flying after the carriage got tiring and boring after a while so she sat inside of it. Inside was a man with a map open.

'Well now. That makes things easier.'

The man was heading to the capital, which sounded interesting to her, so she settled down on top of the carriage and enjoyed the light breeze. As the trip, which took almost a week, came to an end the capital's walls loomed in her vision. Once inside she decided an inn would be better than sleeping outside. As she approached an inn she remembered she didn't have any money. Changing directions she headed to a jewelry shop instead. Entering an ally beside the shop, she polymorphed and then cast dye magic; turning her hair and eyes brown.  Pulling on a cloak she had put in her storage she floated up a foot so as to not appear as small.

"Hello! I would like to sell these gems. My father is a fisher and he wanted a better deal on the jewels he found in some of the fishes stomachs."

"I see, what do you have?"

She put two golden bands and a medium sized ruby on the counter. The jeweler was shocked for a moment before examining the items.

"They are quite good quality. I pity the noble who lost them, but I'm willing to buy. I can give you 5,800,000 gallons. This ruby is very good quality and a nice size."

"I'll sell."

With the money packed away she set out for the inn once again. Paying for two nights, she headed up. Inside her room she removed the dye magic and went to bed.


The next day was uneventful as she floated along. The streets were bustling with shoppers and she tasted foods from different stalls as she lazily ambled by. Having done nothing worthwhile with her day she decided to head out again.
The next day she flew in a random direction. Going top speed she ran out of energy quickly. Disappointed at her lack of stamina she descended and sat on a fallen tree.  As she rested many large creatures noticed her and started gathering. She lets out enough presence to sense but not enough for them to feel in danger. To the gathering monsters, she was a convenient snack.

'Wow... should I put out a stronger presence or let them come...?'

Scoffing to herself she let them get near. When they came into vision she set them on fire. They panicked and tried to flee into the woods but she cast flight magic on them.

"Wonder if these things are edible."

'They kind of gross me out but someone might know what they can be used for.'

Packing them away,  she started out again. As she continued on her way, she encountered a wall surrounding another section of forest. Feeling curious she headed in.

Two days have passed and she has improved her magic control skills quite a bit, due to constant attacks by monsters.

As she was thinking about her progress, a sudden surge of energy she didn't recognize caught her off guard. Quickly flying toward the source she found a boy standing there with a shocked expression.

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