Chapter Twenty---Orphan? Not anymore.

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"Alright little one. Let's get you in bed."

He looked at her through his tears and nodded. Kila smiled softly as she prepared some clothes. A large shirt and drawstring shorts, as well as underwear, were set beside her tub.

"I'm going to give you a bath now, okay?"


She had already cast cleaning and temperature, but this was for the comfort aspect. He started to enjoy it, and was soon splashing playfully. She grinned as she finished his bath and dressed him.

"I'll have food ready for you when you wake up, but right now you need sleep."


She layed him down on the couch and he soon fell asleep again. She started making some chicken broth for him. And after she finished, she sat beside him. A few hours later and a movement at her side stirred her awake. Kila looked down to see the boy looking at her.

"Good morning. Ready for food?"

He hesitated for a second before nodding. He smiled up at her, and she smiled back before standing up. Kila picked him up and walked to the kitchen. She had put the broth in her fridge, and took a second to reheat it to just under hot. After heating it, she put it in a mug before handing it to him. He was slightly confused, so she helped him drink it. His face lit up and he drank the rest quickly. He didn't stay awake long before he was out again. This time, she could tell he had a fever though.

'Tch, hm. That's not great.'

Laying him down, she began making another light meal, this one was scrambled eggs and soft toast. She set some apple juice she'd bought beside him to make the meal more nutritious.

"Hey. Time to eat."


"Do you feel okay?"


'That's a lie.'

"Okay... eat as much as you can and sleep some more."


He started eating, and was soon done. Kila smiled.

'Glad he managed to eat it all.'

"Good job!"

She picked him up and wrapped him in a blanket before setting him on the couch again. He smiled at her as he fell asleep. She left him there and got a bowl of cold water and a cloth. The next few hours were spent wiping sweat and re-soaking the cloth. The child had stirred as if in a nightmare several times, so she held him and stroked his head. He had calmed down quickly each time.

It was near evening when his fever broke.

'Ah, that's good. I should make more food.'

He was sleeping peacefully now, so she started cooking. She was almost done when he woke up.


"Just a minute."

Kila finished quickly and walked out.

"Are you feeling better?"

He nodded and looked around. The kid had been too out of it to actually look around before. As she watched him, she saw his eyes widen. His reaction wasn't surprising, as her house was quite fancy.

"I made this house, cool right?"

"Really?! Yeah!"

"I use magic to make things. Do you want to know something interesting?"

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