Chapter Twenty-Six---Talk

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Kila then turned to the three and spoke.

"Who wants Syrems powers? He has three. Abandoning your life, which lets you use life force to make powers, Controlling Wyverns, and Sword of Disasters, the one he tried to use."

A conversation began and they quickly came to a decision. Choi Han would take them, with a strict order not to use the first. With her mind still on the subject, Kila pulled out the stone that had been sitting in her storage. She turned to Talrati.

"This is an ancient power I found in this building. You can have it."

Talrati looked at her confused, before turning the rock over in her hands.

"I'll try to figure out how to get it."

"Sure. Warning you, based on what I've read, it'll be weird."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you."

Kila smiled at her before finishing her milk.


Aerin tugged her sleeve.


"Can we play in the woods?"

She looked at him for a second.

"Is there a reason in particular?"

"I just haven't been in a forest much."


'I should probably make it safe for the farms anyway. Giving a good area for him to play is nice too.'

"We can explore, how about that."

"Okay! Thank you! "

Kila smiled at him as he hurriedly finished his cookies and milk. Once he was done she stood and picked him up. As they were moving towards the door Vander spoke.

"Hey, Kila. I was wondering if you could make a katana for me. I'm learning broadsword right now and want to learn that next."

"Hm. Sure, but if I can do it, we're learning together. We could bounce ideas around and try to get it right."

"That sounds good. See you two later."

Aerin waved as they left and Kila flew through the halls. They were soon floating above the cave. She looked around before turning her head to the child in her arms.

"Which way do you want to go?"

He looked around for a bit before pointing West. Feeling around confirmed there were no threats in that direction so she started flying. The two hadn't been going for very long, a few minutes maybe before Kila paused. Aerin looked up at her in confusion.

"What's wrong Mom?"

At the sound of his voice, she started moving again.

"I can feel a dragon. It's old and dead, but very much there."

The 5-year-old's face screwed up slightly and he tilted his head. After a moment he spoke again.

"Are you okay? "

"Hub? Oh yeah, it's fine. It's just that a dragon's dead mana could be very powerful and dangerous. I need to find a use for it, or get rid of it."

"What's dead mana?"

Kila started and realized she'd never talked about it before and launched into an explanation. By the time he understood, she was frowning at the forest below them. Aerin looked at her face before looking down as well. Underneath them was a swamp.

"Why is that water black?"

"It's not water. In a normal swamp, it would be water and mud, but this is poison and dead mana."

Kila [Guess I'm a dragon now]Where stories live. Discover now