Chapter Thirteen---Ashes From The Past

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Kila saw them off before teleporting to Norle. He looked up to see the magic and fell backwards. She had gone directly to his office.

"Hi. Oh, whoops."

"Hello Miss Kila."

He grumbled as he got up before responding.

"I was wondering if you could recommend someone to manage funds? I made a few farms and can't stay nearby to pay the workers."

"Oh? Of course, do you have a place for them to stay?"

"Yes, I made a cabin. I might make another, but I'll put a magic safe for funds."

"Okay, if you'll give me a day, I'll have someone for you."

"Great, thank you!"

She looked around for a minute before grabbing a piece of paper.

"So, you have a favorite color?"

"Hm? Ah not really, maybe red?"

Kila quickly set up another scroll before handing it to him.

"What is this?"

"A messaging scroll, just write along the bottom and it'll get sent to me. I have one as well. If you have someone you'd like easy communication with, I'll set another up."

She quickly explained how to register owner and contacts before starting to cast.

"I'll give one to the manager once I hire them. Make sure they're trustworthy, I'd hate to have to kill someone."

"You don't have worry, I'll make sure they're the best."

"Alright, see ya."

She teleported back to the inn before remembering something.

'I still haven't made a house. Should I buy the land I used? Maybe put the house on whatever property I get?'

It didn't take her long to decide, and she headed towards the town hall. It was cheery along the streets despite being cold. The town hall was quite bright and she wasted no time in entering. The woman at the desk looked at her as she approached.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"I'd like to buy property in the area some coordinates mark."

"Alright, if you'd write them down I can grab the price for you."

"Cool, thank you."

Kila quickly wrote them down before pulling out a bag of money.

"That's quite a large area. The price is * (sorry, not even gonna try this time)."

"Here, is that all of it?"

"Hold on...yes. thank you for going through the hall procedure."

"Thank you."

She left and teleported back to the farms. She looked around for a while before her eyes settled on a large tree. A grin spread across her face as she uprooted a few trees further away. She merged them with the large one, making it massive, before flying up and pulling some of the branches down to make a sort of platform. This wasn't quite sufficient, so she grabbed more trees making a floor and walls. The ceiling was slower, as she made it quite intricate. This was already a gorgeous tree house. The inside didn't have walls, but that was solved quickly. She pulled out a different kind of wood, making the furniture out of this. She was out of cloth.
Kila went back to town and bought as much comfortable fabric as possible before heading back. She still had feathers so the cushions were completed soon. It was a fully furnished house complete with flushing toilet(this toilet was a magic device that turns it into dirt and teleports it elsewhere). The sink was just a water enchantment on the faucet, with a purifier at the bottom before another teleportation circle.
The house done, she regathered the chickens and put them in her coop. She let them settle down before filling their feeder with partially dried corn.

Kila [Guess I'm a dragon now]Where stories live. Discover now