Chapter Fifteen---Growth

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The next morning, Choi Han used a scroll and arrived in the plaza. Vander was sitting on a bench looking at the ceiling.

"Hello Hyung-nim, is Noonim not up?"

"I haven't seen her. I guess she's in bed."

"Did she overwork herself again?"

Choi Han sounded slightly upset as he said that.

"No, but I don't know why she's not up."

They looked at each other before simultaneously going towards the villa. They walked up the stairs and felt mana fluctuating. It was chaotic, and sent chills down their spines. The two glanced at each other before speeding up.
Kila was lying on her bed, covered in sweat, and breathing heavily. They both panicked slightly before Vander realized something.

"Is she growing?"


"She might be in her first growth phase. It wouldn't be a surprise, given how strong she is."

"That would make sense. She sent me information on it a while back so I could look after her while she was in it. I didn't expect it to be so soon. Isn't Noonim only three?"

"Just under, but yeah. She's been able to use part of her attribute for a long time without even gaining it though."

"Yeah... should we wipe away the sweat? As far as I know, she can hear us."

"Sure. If you'll pick her up, I'll change her sheets. She is sweating buckets. Does she have any female friends?"

"No, unless she has some on the Eastern Continent."

"I didn't see or hear her talk about any."

"Sorry Noonim, you'll have to wait to get clean until you pass."

Her hand twitched almost invisibly, but Vander noticed.

"Her hand moved, I guess that's confirmation. I'm done, go ahead and lay her back down."

As Choi Han went to put her down, she shrank until she was in dragon form.

"Oh? Is it intentional? Or does it take a toll to be polymorphed while in growth phase?"

They didn't have an answer to that, but now they were able to wipe the sweat soaking her back.


In front of her was a massive dragon that seemed to glitter as it blended with the sky. Kila couldn't deny her adult self was beautiful. While large, she seemed almost delicate in stature, with long limbs, and the shape seemed more dog than dragon. It was quite different than her current self, but was gentle looking with a hint of danger. Kila wasn't quite sure how you're supposed to beat your older self but she had to try. She flew up into her eyes and started clawing them. The large dragon barely responded, just flying towards her with the occasional claw at her.

'Doesn't seem sentient. This could work.'

Maiming herself didn't feel quite right, but she kept up. Kila was attacking the base if her wings, when weight was added. She looked down to see four people clinging on her. Choi Han, Vander, Norle, and Orlando. The weight wasn't much to bear, and she kept attacking.

Soon after she began, she heard the conversation around her. It made her smile, and she could feel her control of her mana slip. She was in dragon form outside. Their response to it was casual, and it made her feel more secure. She resumed the task at hand after feeling a cloth on her head.

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