Chapter Four---Names

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The two stared at each other in surprise for a moment before the boy started looking around.


The boy finished examining his surroundings before speaking.

"Hello, how did you get here?"

The boy's face contorted oddly for a second before he replying.

"I don't know. Where is here?"

"I don't quite know either, but I do know it's dangerous."

His expression darkened for a bit before looking at her again.

"Then isn't it dangerous for you as well? You are very young."

"I am technically young, but I'm a dragon. Not much can hurt dragons."

"Dragon...? Is this not earth?"

"No, it's not. I was surprised too."


He looked at her in shock.

"I reincarnated here as a dragon. I was a human on earth."

He stared at her doubtfully for a second before responding.

"I see, I am Choi Han. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier."

"No problem. I am... Ko...Kila, nice to meet you, Choi Han. You're from Korea then?"

"Ah, yes. Where are you from Miss Kila?"

"Originally America, but in this world, Ubarr Territory."

"Ubarr? Where is that?"

"North-East from the capital. Same for here. This place is also in the North-East direction."

"If Ubarr is a territory, what is this territory?"

"I don't know. I just flew in a random direction from the capital. Do you want to come with me?"

"If you are a dragon, like you say, I would probably be safer with you."

Kila smiled at him before observing him closer.

"What's wrong Miss Kila?"

"Ah, just that you don't have much mana."

"Mana? Like what you use in games to cast magic?"

"Exactly. It would probably be better for you to learn the sword."

"I can already somewhat use one. My family has a sword art that we learn. Why do I need to use a sword?

"Oh? That makes starting easier. And because this world has a lot of monsters that are dangerous. If I weren't here with you, you would've already been attacked."

Kila glanced around and observed the many monsters gathered around.

"We have visitors..."

Choi Han looked around in surprise before turning his attention toward her.

"It might be best to get you started soon. How is your physical condition right now?"

"I'm fine, but I don't have a sword. Should I grab a branch or something?"

"A branch wouldn't do much unless you were much more powerful. Here."

She gathered some mana, shaped it into a sword, and handed it to him.


"I'll be right here. I'll make it so only a weaker one will come at you."

Kila cast a two-layered shield around them, leaving an opening. After a few monsters had entered, she closed it. Making the earth entrap their feet, she surrounded their heads with water.

"Have at it. I don't know anything about swords, so I might watch you to learn."

Choi Han looked at the unmoving monsters and stepped forward.

'He seems nervous. I guess he hasn't fought monsters yet. Wait isn't he from Earth though? How would he have not fought them?

"Hey, Choi Han aren't you from Earth? Why have you not fought monsters?"

"Monsters on Earth? Why would they be monsters on Earth?"

"The apocalypse...? What year are you from?"

"****(unknown so, sorry), apocalypse?"

'Ah, he's from before it. Lucky. I died right after getting my ability.'

"Yeah, the year I'm from we were in the middle of an apocalypse. Monsters appeared and people got powers."

"Eh? Is that how you got here then?"

"Yeah, I died in an attack. But it doesn't quite make sense that you're from the past. Eh... the fact that I reincarnated is weird enough I guess."

"Yes, being in a different world is quite odd. Ah! I wasn't paying attention!"

His attention was quickly dragged back towards the monsters. One had taken a swipe at him. He had stiff movements in the beginning, but that went away as they trekked through the forest.

"Miss Kila, what should I do when we get out?"

"Learn to read this language I guess. I'm using translation magic to understand you. I learned the language beside the Ubarr Lord's children."

"Ah, that makes more sense. You being American and understanding Korean didn't make much sense to me."


She hummed in agreement before looking forward again.

"Are you getting better at sensing them?"

"Yes, there are five around us currently, correct?"

"Yup. I'm not going to trap one of them, take it out by yourself. Should I surround them entirely and let you defeat them one at a time?"

"If I'm still in good shape after the first one, sure."

Kila completely encased four of the monsters in rock before turning to watch. He was beginning to pant heavily as he dodged the crushing blows the monster was delivering. After struggling for ten minutes he finally defeated it.

"Guess that's a no on fighting another?"

"If you give me five minutes I could probably do it. Ten, confidently."

"So do you want five or ten?"

"Hmm... five. I need to get stronger. I keep relying on you."

"I don't have an issue with it either way, but sure."

After the designated time she released the second one. He had a harder time, but was able to beat it, albeit a bit slower. Once they had cycled through the rest, Choi Han was exhausted.

"I'll set up a barrier so get some rest."

"Thank you Miss Kila."

He was panting heavily and had a few injuries, none were fatal, but they would definitely leave a scar.

They stayed in that area for a day as he healed a bit. Since monsters kept attacking them, they went back to trap and kill. Both of them were learning a lot about different ways to trap(without magic) and following trails.

As they had been wandering around and intentionally not leaving the forest, after a few months of this "training ", they were going after the biggest monsters on purpose.

Kila [Guess I'm a dragon now]Where stories live. Discover now