Chapter Eleven---Boats

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Papers were stewn around Kila as she drew. All of the papers had boat designs that would rock this world, but she wanted a perfect one. It took her a few hours to finally settle on one. It wasn't very intricate, but it was elegant. She made one section of the hull have a space for branding. Another area for the owner's name. After she'd decided, she had to make it. Kila had to go back home to grab the trees necessary, but that wasn't a big deal.

She took only a day making the boat, reshaping as needed. When she was satisfied with it, she put the whole boat in her dimensional storage, before teleporting to Norle's shop.

When she arrived, she walked straight in and to the desk, before speaking to the receptionist.

"Hello, my name is Kila, and I'm here to speak to Norle. If he hasn't said anything about me, just tell him the boat-maker is here."

"Oh, yes, if you would let me go get him."

The woman was surprised, but quickly got over it and went to get the owner. Kila didn't have to wait long, as he had been eager to see her work.

"Hello Miss Kila. Have you brought your boat?"

"Yes, I made a new one that I can make a bunch of, as long as I have wood and rock."

"In only two days!? How much did you work?"

"Not much, the building only took a few hours, the designing was hard because I'm bad at drawing."

"I see... well where is it?"

"Do you have a large empty area?"

She leaned closer to him before saying in a low voice.

"I have it in a magic bag."

He started before staring at her.

"What is that bag's capacity?"

"As much as I want. I make them."

He looked at her again before motioning for her to follow. Kila complied and asked a question as they walked.

"Do you have a brand logo that you use? Or just the name of the company?"

"Just the company name."

"Got it."

They walked out the back and into a yard full of wood shavings.

"You can pull it out here."

She pulled out two logs and put them a yard away from each other, before she pulled out the boat. Norle watched in awe as she pretended to pull it out of a bag. Kila lifted it with mana and set the boat on the logs.

"There. Isn't it nice? I took way too long and wasted a bunch of paper on designing this."

She stepped around it as she motioned for him to follow. Norle walked around as well, and saw a ladder on the side. Kila guestured toward it before flying up. He looked at her oddly for a moment before climbing. The boat was full wood, with the only other material being rock along the bottom. But even the rock was surrounded in wood. He stepped around, looking at the entire boat before turning toward Kila again.

"This is amazing...! How did you make it all one piece?"

"I used only one type of wood for it, so I just merged the trees together and sculpted. I'm probably the only one capable of this. Ah, by the way, right here on the side, I can put branding. Right over here, I can put the owner's name when they buy it."

"This is incredible, how does it do in water?"

"Waterproof, I made resin and coated the outside. There is also a wheel right there to steer with. The speed can be controlled by that lever. I was experimenting with an engine on mine, and perfected it for this."

Kila [Guess I'm a dragon now]Where stories live. Discover now