Chapter Ten---First Job

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They'd been chatting for a while when Kila pulled out three more scrolls. The whales glanced at her, who was continuing the conversation while enchanting the scrolls. She ignored their gaze until she was done, when she handed two of them to the other whales.

"Here, these are yours. This one can be for anyone you want. If you want to register me in it's contacts just hold it near my name on the chat area. It will add the name."

"Thank you Miss Kila!"

Haishi was quite excited, and eagerly accepted it and the pen. He and Paseton registered themselves before handing them to Kila, who added herself.

"If you want, you can register each other. Just do it the same way as with me."

All three smiled at her before looking at the pool.

"What is this for?"

"For me to swim in, if I don't want to swim in saltwater. Or anyone else that might end up on board."

"I see, how did you make this boat?"

"I merged a bunch of the same type of wood and just sculpted it. Rock along the bottom to keep it upright."

"Merged trees? I've never heard of that being done."

"Me neither. I just did it because sculpting is easier than learning shipbuilding."

Kila chuckled awkwardly before turning back to them.

"Would you like to look around it?"

"Sure! It has a very unique design."

"Probably one of a kind."

Was Kila's response. She showed the whales around the entire ship ending back on deck.

"This is incredible. You can fit so many people comfortably."

"Yep! I built it at my home before teleporting it to the ocean."

"You teleported this entire thing alone!?"

"Yes, that does sound ridiculous now that I think about it."

"Are you an ancient dragon then?"

"Far off, I'm not even three."


They all stared at her incredulously.

"Then how do you have that much mana?"

"I can use some of my attribute without going through my first growth phase. I can see mana and manipulate it visually. I can easily change the color of solid rock."

This was the excuse she'd come up with to cover her ability.

"Wow... and without going through your first growth phase. Why did you tell us this?"

"I actually don't know. You just seem trustworthy."

All of them looked at her oddly before turning to each other helplessly.

"I'll give the extra to our father."

"To the whale king? Ah do you want a bag to put it in?"

"Do you have one?"

"Nope, but give me a sec."

She immediately pulled out cloth and shaped it into a shoulder bag before turning to Paseton.

"Is there a color you prefer?"

"Maybe green?"

"Sage, forest, ocean, or lime?"

Kila [Guess I'm a dragon now]Where stories live. Discover now