Chapter Six---Experimentation

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If you read the first chapters before chapter 4 came out, I would recommend rereading 1 and 2. I change some things.

'It's very quiet.'

After being around the highschooler for a year, being alone was unnerving. She had been wandering the Forest of Darkness for a week in search of an unfamiliar energy she'd felt. It was difficult though, as it would feel like she's getting close, and then it would seem far off. Eventually she found it. It had been below.

'A cave? I feel stupid. I kept flying over it.'

In front of her was a boulder, but she could tell that behind it was an empty space. Kila easily broke the rock and entered the cavern. It was large, big enough to fit a castle, and further in there was a villa. The villa was large and cozy with many rooms. The power that she'd been feeling was coming from the upper floors. After exploring four of the floors, she reached the top. The fifth floor was a large room that was a mix of bedroom, study, and office. In the very center of this room was an altar decorated in jewels. The altar was gorgeous, but on top of it was a small rock. The energy was coming from this rock.

'Wow, what a place. What is this though? I need to do more research apparently.'

Kila decided to make this her home base. And after settling her stuff in, she went to the bed. After spending her nights in the forest, Kila was quite happy to have a bed, especially since it was very high quality.


Most of the books in this study were research books, so she gained a lot of useful information. First off, this energy she had felt was an ancient power. An earth one, obviously, as it was a rock. Ancient powers can have attributes, of nature or human. An example of a human attribute power would be a healing power. Natural attributes were, earth, water, fire, wind, and wood. Ancient powers are very old, most that have been found were from ancient times, which she discovered was 10,000 years ago. She understood the name "ancient power" after reading that. 

The next bit of information she sought out was about swordsmen. Kila found that there are grades of skill. At the highest, swordmaster, they can use Aura, a very powerful and destructive ability. Highest grade swordsmen could use a little bit, but not have much power or control.

'Guess Han's a swordmaster then. It only took a year? Why.? Is it because of the strength of the monsters? Or the fact we fought every day instead of doing traditional training?'

Either way she was quite happy with what she discovered.

'Ah, I should message him to let him know.'

Kila pulled the scroll out of her dimensional storage and wrote along the bottom.

<Hey Han! I found out about the levels of swordsmanship. Low-grade, Mid-grade, High-grade, Highest-grade, and swordmaster. Guess which one you are!>

Once she finished writing, the words seemed to sink into the paper, they then appeared at the top smaller. She resumed reading and after a few minutes, the scroll shook.

<I see, thank you Miss Kila. Highest or swordmaster I think. Which is it? Also, this scroll is quite incredible. I didn't expect it to write at the top like a text.>

<Isn't it? If you didn't, you can write at the bottom and the text will move itself. And you were correct, you are a swordmaster. Congratulations! I'll send a message with the classifications of swordsmen.>

After sending the information, she dove back into the books. Kila was after knowledge about mages. The book on dragons didn't tell her much about how to do magic, just that dragons could use it as easily as breathing.

'Weather, lightning, wind, there are so many types I haven't tried!'

Excited, she went outside to experiment. Controlling the weather was easy once she figured out the method, and being able to see the flow of mana made her able to fully utilize the cloud she'd created. 

Every monster that got near was hit with hail or lightning. Kila was giddy about her new abilities, and decided to study some more. Her resumed studies gave rise to many new ideas for creations. The texting scroll was the result of trial and error, but now she had the knowledge to make items without failures.

Kila was very happy, and started experimenting right away. She left the villa and stood in the cave's plaza. She pulled a thin layer of rock off one of the walls and made a barrel. She then quickly made a stand to put it on. She was making a cement mixer. The dirt paths were annoying her, both with their impraticality and unpleasant feel. She didn't need limestone, as she could easily turn the rock to dust. Kila decided to use the boulder that had been blocking the entrance as her stone for this experiment.

'Ah, I still need clay. It shouldn't be hard to find though.'

She was correct and quickly made the cement, using magic for water. She enchanted the barrel to spin when magic was injected, and it worked well. She cemented the plaza floor, smoothing it.

'Brick would be better. Should I make some?'

Kila's experiments continued for several days, and by the end of them, the plaza was intricately decorated with colored brick paths, bonsai-ish plants, bushes, trees, and a silver chandelier. Light magic was connected to the places candles would have been, so there is no smoke and the light was strong. Of course, the chandelier was a magic tool as well, with a touch pad that when you would send mana into it, the lights would turn on and off. This was a much more complicated tool than most, as she had made a magic stone and used it as the power source. The switch connected to this and turned the connection on and off.

Making magic stones sucked a lot of her mental energy, because she had to push the mana into itself hard enough to fuse, but she was quite satisfied with the result. She knew that she was probably the only one to make magic stones, several in a day at that. It did exhast the surrounding mana so she had to move far enough away to make another one. In her opinion, waiting for the environment to remake mana was the most arduous part of her experimentation.

She then remodeled her message scroll, shrinking it and making the paper extend infinitely as they message. Kila was very excited and immediately teleported to the entrance of the forest to upgrade Choi Han's scroll. When she looked around she saw him standing there in slight shock.

"Miss Kila!? It there something wrong?"

"Ah! No! I was just excited. I found out how to upgrade our scrolls so I came to do yours."

"Oh! You seem to be having fun."

"Yeah! I am, I never had this much fun in my last life. I even made a cement mixer just because I wanted to."

"A cement mixer? That is sort of random."

"Ah, yes, but I hate dirt paths, so..."

"I see, is there a reason you haven't aged up your polymorph?"

"I forgot! I was experimenting and kept using up my mana. I'll do it soon."

They walked back to the inn and he pulled out his scroll. It only took a second to upgrade, and he looked at it in surprise.

"How much mana did you put in this, I can feel it! What is the enchantment?"

"Infinite paper. I also shrunk it for ease of use. Ah, here."

Kila handed him a dimensional storage bag shaped like a messenger bag.

"Thank you Miss Kila."

They chatted about her magic tools for a while before she went downstairs to rent a room for the night.

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