Chapter Twenty-Four---Fight

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I got debilitatingly ill for a while. As you can probably tell, I won't be posting as frequently anymore. My motivation is shot and I'm writing through bursts of energy.

After a few weeks through Dannad's "training," he had shown vast improvement in personality and work ethic. Truthfully, Kila had no idea what Vander was doing but didn't care since it was effective. These weeks had been busy for Kila as well though as she had started the potato farm, filled the remaining slots for machines in the factory, and made Dannad hire some people. To her surprise, he chose fantastic people with sad lives and was given the opportunity to help them.
Kila, in response to the influx of employees, built a dormitory with full bathrooms and a kitchen. She took them there and let them settle in before giving them a job to do. Kila set them on the milking machines maintenance. They did well, so she gave them items to make their jobs more convenient. The people had been confused at being given a bag, but on opening it, found teleportation scrolls with changeable destinations.

"Kila-nim!? How?!"

"I make them. Don't tell anyone though."

They were all awestruck, but nodded. Now that she had workers for her farms, she needed workers for her mines. All of her mines were in the Caro Kingdom, and when she found where the veins were, she  bought all of the land they were on. Kila wasted no time in informing Dannad about the hiring needs.

"Dannad! I need you to hire more people. I have several mines and need workers. Can I leave it to you?"

Because of "lessons" with Vander, he was thoroughly chastised and agreed calmly.

"Sure, do you have a time frame you need them in?"

"No, just whenever you can get them settled in the dorms. I'll probably need a lot of workers, or I could make efficient tools. Also, the race doesn't matter. As you know Vander is a vampire, so just assume that any race is fine."

Once she finished talking she walked outside of the dorms and began making another warehouse. This one was for the tools, so it was much less sanitary and thought out than the previous buildings. It was just a box with a door. When the building was finished she began making the tools. Kila designed drill and jackhammer esk magic tools, taking much less time to make after designing. She usually messed around until something worked.

'I need to think things through before making them more often.'

After finishing with machinery, she started designing and making safety gear. It didn't take long and with tools and equipment now out of the way, she began constructing a teleportation circle inside of the warehouse. To make them easier to transport, all of the devices that could, had wheels. That done, she teleported to the mines and began making circles near the entrances of all of them. Kila had just finished when she felt a mana signature similar to hers.

'Is that a dragon!? Aren't they supposed to be hard to find? Well, this is the first time I've encountered one during my life here.'

After debating what to do for a while, she began flying towards the area of highest concentration. It took a few minutes to get there flying. Once there, she looked at what appeared to be a cave.

'Hmm. Is it normal for a dragon to live in a cave? I live in one, but it's a full blown villa inside a cave.'

Kila pondered for a bit before making a knocking sound with magic. She didn't hear a response, but she could see the mana getting more dense. Soon, the dragon was standing in the entrance looking at her. The other dragon seemed just as surprised to see her as Kila was and just stared. She was a beautiful silver color and was losing interest quickly.

Kila [Guess I'm a dragon now]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora