Chapter Nineteen---Sales

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Kila looked up to see Vander almost dead on his feet.

"She run you ragged?"

"Un. We went into the forest today. Did you know she's nearing swordmaster now?"

"Hm? That's good for her then. Do you think the constant practice from teaching you is what got her there?"

"That, and fighting the mutated monsters out there."

"That would do it. Guess I'm up. Is Han in the training hall?"

"Yes, he was waiting for me to get you."

"Got it, see you later."

He waved in response before collapsing onto an armchair. Kila once again headed to the hall. She'd been getting better, and was excited because after this lesson, she'd start teaching Choi Han.



Choi Han had caught the oil on fire.

"Just lift it away from the flames. The onions you're carmelizing are fine, just let it go out, maybe smother it with a lid."


The lesson was going pretty well, they'd started with proper knife usage, and he'd had no issues. The problems began once they started frying. He'd dropped a pan, broken a spatula in shock, and caught onions on fire.

"Just relax. There you go, they look fine. I think that'll do for today."

"Alright. Thank you Noonim."

"No problem. Next time, I'll have you practice measuring by eye."


"Is the loaf done?"

"Umm... yes?"

"Yes it is, take it out. Just leave it on the counter, we'll eat it gradually."

"Mm hm."

"Would you like to see my farms after my next lesson? Vander has already seen them."


A day passed, and they were standing in her treehouse.

"Like it? This is my other house. I made a cabin as well, that's where Orlando stays."

"Who was Orlando again?"

"The manager I hired. I wasn't going to try to pay the mercenaries if I'm not here."

"Ah, that was wise."

"See? I'm not that bad."

"Uh huh."


Kila and Choi Han smiled before exiting her house. They had been walking around it while talking, so he was ready to move on. There was a different mercenary feeding the animals this time.


"Oh, hello Miss Kila. Thanks for the easy job."

"No problem, I just don't have the patience/time to do it myself."

"Heh! That makes sense. Did you, or Orlando pick the pay amount?"

"Orlando, is it good?"

"It seems to be the perfect amount for the job."

"That's good. I'm glad he's doing well. See you eventually."

"Bye Miss Kila. Bye stranger I didn't talk to."

"Ah, b-bye."

Choi Han wasn't expecting to be spoken to, and stumbled through his response. Kila and the worker smiled.

Kila [Guess I'm a dragon now]Where stories live. Discover now